
I’ll never forgive the prequels for subverting the ugly little muppet and actually making him a warrior that murders people, especially with a child-sized lightsaber. Yoda should always have been above that and was originally written to be someone who COULD fuck you up, but always chooses not to. That’s one of the few

If JJ Abrams kills nostalgia, than this movie is a blessing. I’m at the point where my childhood feels monetized to death. That’s not to say Star Wars needs to die, but they really need to start doing stuff that’s completely different. Which Disney is hinting at doing, but who knows if they’ll ever fully get off the

I wish this debate was happening due to Farscape.

The Bran=Night King theory is so dumb. I don’t understand why people feel the need for a convoluted explanation for the whole “you will fly” prediction from 3ER. It’s come to pass already—Bran wargs into ravens. ALL THE TIME.

I honestly just pretend that Ghost has been at Jon’s side this entire season. He was making the rounds at Winterfell, and sneaking off between important business to go roll around in the snow. He was there at Dragonstone, and let Daenerys pet him. He went Beyond the Wall with the supergroup, and Jon warged into him to

To be fair 4 and 5 are better if you combine and re-cut them to be chronological. Publishing them them as parallel timelines was a shit idea.

That situation is exactly the same! Here’s your totally not false equivalency trophy.

“In this novel, a heroic, righteous officer of the law spends decades chasing an evil, criminal fugitive who used a fake identity to hide in plain sight and even stole a loaf of bread when he was hungry. That criminal was a thief and deserved to be punished.”

- An excerpt from Tom Llamas grade 7 book report on Victor

Oh wow, Theon.

It wasn’t something I’d even considered until reading someone’s theory on Reddit. I love the idea of the monarchy being abolished in Westeros as that would be breaking the wheel. There could be a Magna Carta signing by the nobles.

Pretty much every comment about Theon I’ve read on other sites with episode summaries was like UGH WHO CARES ABOUT THEON FUCK HIM ENOUGH ALREADY JON AND DANY etc. etc. but I’m never bored with his storylines, ever, I love his character and I always want more of him and Yara.

Last night Aidan Gillen did a great job. I know his accent tends to... wander a bit, but it’s never bothered me that much. His face though... he does a great job overall and last night was beautiful.

Tyrion will be left. Sansa will be at his side with Jon & Dany’s baby in their care while they both oversee the lands in a democracy-led state.

It’s not like there’s any notable sellswords in Essos with allegiance to Daenerys who could end up in charge of the Golden Company...

Me though to that too, but in context of cementing bond between sisters. Sansa passed sentence. Arya was her sword.

Too bad we have to have this giant discussion on this new platform....

See, this why the Sopranos ending works: in real life, nothing is every "wrapped up". All that really happens is that your story runs out.

If there's one good skill to have on the internet, it's how to quickly differentiate the people who can actually be debated with from the lost-cause brick walls. Granted, we were dismissing him even before he whipped out the terms "libs" and "white guilt," but our instincts were correct.

"The show is a little down on family relationships."

I think they're pretty bad parents. Betty is borderline neglectful. She never has a good word and more seems put off by them constantly than in any way enjoying them (which of course makes sense for her depression—she hates Don's infidelities and resents his ability to have a life outside their relationship while she