
Sweet Christ…how did it take me seven months to read the single best metaphor I have maybe ever heard? Goosebumps = The Killing, indeed.

Among my many, many gripes with this particular episode/challenge (including, but not limited to: the aforementioned designing for an amorphous blob of peachy-pink felt, judgement issued in falsetto by some kind of modern-day Cyrano of the reality fashion contest realm and the entire idea of product placement gimmicks

Quite possibly due to some kind of unrealized Teti-devotion, I basically forgot about the coverage for this episode until tonight (during which I had a moment of pure excitement at the thought of reading the AVC take on PiggyFest - regardless of author.

@avclub-85870c6bd84c86a1eb59bc1d770c23a9:disqus That is, at once, the most unsettling and most hilarious thing I have ever seen on YouTube. Well done.

@avclub-e77c7b588569860fddcbe6e3d528295d:disqus @avclub-e2a6a1ace352668000aed191a817d143:disqus Here's what I know:
In 2001, I tagged along with then-boyfriend to the annual Kappa Sigma Fraternity "conference" which boasted, among others, Dennis Haskins as a celebrity alumni speaker. We were wandering around the

Yeah…so I'm just now emerging from the incredibly powerful time-suck that is after following a link to the Incest Yay: WoWP from Marah's earlier review. Having caught only about two episodes of this series (several years ago, at that) - gotta agree…that is some seriously creepy/hilarious incestuous

I'm trying so hard to reconcile the kindly, detached Voice of Todd I hear in the semi-regular TVOTI installments with this incredible moment of allcaps vitriol. Does not compute…making this the awesomest thing I've seen all day.

See, since the pilot I've been trying to rationalize Jess's (<- because there's only one if her so I used the singular pluralization) borderline-creepy brand of childlike antics by reminding myself that she spends most of her time around little kids. That makes sense to me. I teach PreK - it is vital to be able to

It's not just you. 2 Girls2 Broke Girls - it's an understandable association, I think.

I'm confused…are you a (fairly clever) gimmick poster, giving us a rare glimpse of what opinions on comedy are present in the darkest timeline?

@andyradicalpossumtackler How have two months gone by without anyone commenting on the awesomeness of your user name? It's like Andy Dwyer's Japanese Game Show Alias.

Because sometimes I overlook the obvious…

(*SPOILERS for S04 of Breaking Bad* - though if you haven't caught up by this point you kinda deserve to be spoiled for your obvious laziness and/or overall awfulness.)


Harvey ≠ ghost.

Several weeks later…

(One day I will actually watch a show week-to-week and be able to participate in current discussions. But until then…)

Text [name] to 62288…
…doesn't stop with Liz and Phil and Muppet. (Also, 62288 is the NBC Text Alerts number for ALL SHOWS and it shouldn't cost anything above your individual messaging rate.)