Soulless Minion of Orthodoxy

They’ve done a pretty good job of showing that Walker is (at the very least) hotheaded and impulsive and every other episode has someone saying something like “the serum doesn’t just affect you physically, it effects you as a person and heightens who you are... the good attributes and the bad attributes” so the setup

I am getting serious 1984 vibes from this.”

I am getting serious I-want-to-make-the-reference-everyone-else-is-making-right-now-but-I-haven’t-read-the-book, vibes.

I think it may be time to reread 1984...

You’re getting an omnipresent, repressive government vibe from a private internet platform taking seriously the actions of the people using said platform?

How dare you be held responsible for things you’ve done!

membership in a known hate group”
So, gamers are getting banned?

Caitlin was most definitely early 80's.

I’m terrible with fashion, but I thought that jacket Caitlin was wearing with the shoulder pads was totally 80's

I wonder if Sharon killed Selby. I figure she’s not working for the Power Broker, but I’m curious where her loyalties lie now.

This is a pretty lazy excuse though. They used to do a better job when there were more dramatic differences in hardware. Now it’s all pretty standardized hardware.  Both could easily do more if they cared to do so.  

From Edge, just now.

Absolutely definitely a feature of Edge.

Yep, just tried it (I never use it) and it’s right where I’d expected it and it works fine.

Ok, I do not agree, but you do you, I guess :) I am also working in an IT related business and have never heard it referred to as a joke, but I´m sure it depends on exactly what that business is. “Mileage may vary” and so on.

Wow, it sure sounds like you work for a shitty company if that is their attitude towards a huge chunk of potential customers! I understand why you didn´t name the company as that would not be a good look for them and likely a really bad PR move.

I can right click and search in Edge. In fact, it lets you to decide if you want to search in an entirely new tab or do it in a sidebar of the current tab.

That’s working fine for me, I use it all the time on both Windows and Mac versions of Edge

Because I’m THAT important.

Ironically, being upset about an actor taking a picture out of character is the kind of toxic, entitled fandom that made The Snyder Cut possible in the first place.