Soulless Minion of Orthodoxy

As for Tate, it’ll be her first re-appearance since her exit as a regular at the climax of the show’s fourth season in 2008 with “Journey’s End.”

Mockingbird/Agent 19

Agents of SHIELD had Mockingbird as a character. Mockingbird’s agent number in the comics is Agent 19.

It’s called Kevin Feige.

Yes, they are.

Neither are primary canon.”

Or did his mom just REALLY not wanna take that last name make herself a further outsider on Vulcan?

It’s never stated that the Enterprise is his first command! It’s a noticeable lacuna, even in this write-up, which gives the writers wiggle room. My guess is we’ll see him commanding the Farragut.

I can accept the idea that “Agent 19/Mockingbird” is a title that more than one agent has held, and it doesn’t invalidate Bobbi on AoS.


yeah man pretty fucking weird thing to do

It’s nowhere near his best but it isn’t his worst. It’s weird the hate this thing has picked up in recent years, be it an overcorrection to the nostalgia for it from some or just not being the intended audience.

I’m perplexed by the Nordic Track bike that leans into “turns” and can’t wait for for the lawsuits from people who get dumped off those things. What a bizarre design. They know there’s no momentum holding riders to the tilting bikes, right?

“...and I reminded him of some slights that were thrown my way that were never apologized for.”

Well, now we know who the asshole actually was

Ryan Choi was there too, but I couldn’t place that guy next to him.

It’s also a little weird that people are all like “god, how annoying that she was sitting there while they were trying to work,” and meanwhile there are constantly people everywhere, and the band spends a lot of time dicking around and having afternoon drinks. But yes, things obviously would have done much better if

I’m only halfway through the second ep but I imagined waaaaay more tension and finger pointing and Paul being a dick and Yoko being intrusive than what is going on here. For making it clear I’m very grateful. I can’t even be sad about it, it seems so reasonable. They just seem like extremely skilled artists who

I personally really enjoyed the minutiae and seeing their process. But I think what I love about this is that it reveals just how normal these guys were. They were exceptionally talented, musically, but they’re also terrible communicators for most of these sessions. No one’s ever really at each other’s throat, as

Showrunner as head writer is the industry standard, so I don’t know why you think thats the problem, or expect it to change. Thats what “showrunner” means.