Soulless Minion of Orthodoxy

Does he also have an NDA that prevents him from saying he has an NDA?

It probably boiled down to how much he was getting paid, and other boring corporate interests. Depressingly believable to me.

Yeah, this is the first I’ve heard about it being a network decision, though I’m not shocked to hear it.

I’m not familiar with that channel, but it sounds like they must put a lot of effort into curating a good community.

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For what it’s worth, Steven DeKnight says that this didn’t happen when he was writing for the show (which was during Season One, not Season Two, so this doesn’t necessarily invalidate the story):

It wouldn’t take much to persuade me Joss Whedon is an abusive asshat.

Actually, they’re known as “the grays.”

Enver Gjokaj for Reed Richards. I don’t care that it would be his third MCU character.

So (not that it matters), can we assume this episode was set in the general vicinity of Gotham?

How odd - maybe it’s a regional thing? I’m in Canada, and they definitely never do any kind of direct deposit. It’s always a code that gets e-mailed to me.

they also changed it so you can’t get an Xbox Live code - it can only be applied to your ‘associated Microsoft account’

I haven’t seen TLJ or TROS (though I’m pretty sure I know which one I’d prefer), but surely everyone can agree that the management of these films has been absolutely baffling.

Can’t we agree that all Batman films are beautiful and perfect in every way?

I know I’m supposed to feel sad for the characters that Jeremiah died, but Dean Cain is such a massive tool in real life that mostly I’m relieved he won’t be on the show now ever again.

“Flying rodent” doesn’t have the same ring as Batwoman but… it is funnier.

Please go fuck yourself, thank you.

That’s “Sabre.”

I think it’s much, much better than Zack thinks it is.

Legends being Legends, I’m choosing to interpret Ray and Nate’s “I’m sorry you found out this way” storyline, as well as “great characters deserve a great ending,” as the writers’ commentaries on how badly the situation with Routh and Ford was handled.