Soulless Minion of Orthodoxy

Has Dean Cain done something I don’t want to Google again?

There was Dean a couple of seasons back, who was somewhat estranged from his hippy father, though that didn’t prevent his inclusion on the show.

Everyone deserves to hang out with alpacas, but she didn’t seem terribly interested in Peter? Which makes her very sensible, but possibly not a very good contestant on this show...

You’re doing good work, Allison.

without revealing your bias towards first responders.

Yeah, it’s been very different, and it’s strange to see Picard as such a fish out of water, but it works for me.

Sure, look at them however you like. Look at Star Trek/X-Men as canon if you want to, nobody’s stopping you.

Do I actually have a quote from a CBS exec regarding Picard? No, I do not.

It is absolutely not incorrect, and I challenge you to find a single statement from CBS that says, “these comics are canon.”

No supplemental material is Star Trek canon.


I don’t think they’ve given us any kind of timeline. They may have been rescued in an early or preliminary mission, before the mass evacuation started.

There’s no evidence that any Vulcan other than Spock himself was involved. For all we know, he stole that ship.

I don’t think it’s a point about his age per se, but rather about how different his situation is. He’s not used to working without a support network - in the past, even if he defied Starfleet, he knew his crew had his back.

The Soji/Narek/Artifact storyline has definitely been the weakest portion of the series.

I think Picard’s characterization rings true, for the most part. Any arrogance he has, he came by honestly, with a history of being able to warp in and take control of the fleet with a single word. Without the Starfleet structure, he’s flailing. That all works for me.

Always room for one more!

I like John Krasinksi, but this job goes to Enver Gjokaj.

I think she’s well-positioned to show up with the cavalry in the finale.

This episode was written by Kirsten Beyer, and the showrunner is Michael Chabon...