I thought the show just treated Laurel as an afterthought at best, and the alcoholism was...probably ill-suited to the genre. I’m glad they’ve given Katie Cassidy some more fun material to work with recently.
I thought the show just treated Laurel as an afterthought at best, and the alcoholism was...probably ill-suited to the genre. I’m glad they’ve given Katie Cassidy some more fun material to work with recently.
Yeah, it looks like that’s what the poster was referring to.
Ah, that’s new - thanks, and apologies.
I’m with you.
For what it’s worth, I know what they’re referring to. Atwood tweeted a link to an op-ed by someone else that was of the “let’s not go crazy with the time’s-up” vein.
Anyone heard of Scientologists actually doing this as a smear before though?
Yeah, this is a pretty...unique situation.
Supergirl has definitely put its women front and centre on a consistent basis. It’s Jimmy James Olsen who gets the Iris West treatment.
Margaret Atwood wrote no such thing.
I think it’s just you.
There are years in a century!
No, it’s the way film studios think. They’ve been saying, “that thing was popular - let’s superficially remake it without regard to what made it successful” for years. Only the details change.
I’m one of those two people with Windows phones, and I can’t afford a new car anyway!
No idea about the statute of limitations, but there’s still an absence of physical evidence. Unless the can get the guy to confess, I don’t know that much could be done, criminally speaking. I’m about as knowledgeable as you are about legal matters, though...less so, when it comes to the American system.
Yeah, that’s fair, though Star Trek has the wonderful piece of technology known as the Universal Translator, which accounts for a lot of the discrepancy.
Reading has been, and ever shall be, overrated.
Correction to myself: Malaysian.
What about the MU doesn’t make sense? If you pretend the Prime Universe doesn’t exist for a moment, is there anything about the MU as a self-contained universe that’s impossible?
Please no. Don’t make the two Asian characters related, just because you can.