Why is 7 the same as 5?
Why is 7 the same as 5?
1) I mean, I don’t think there were security cameras mounted all over the Enterprise-D or Voyager, either. The TOS enterprise seemed to have them whenever it was convenient to the plot, and the footage looked suspiciously like it was filmed with television cameras.
She’d be something like 125 years old, so I would think she’s been dead for some time - I don’t think the human lifespan is THAT long at this point in the timeline, and it’s likely to be even shorter in the MU.
Culber was able to detect two distinct personalities. I don’t see any reason they wouldn’t want to try to purge the “original” Voq personality, and restore the artificial Tyler personality. Who cares where the body originally came from?
And the Tyler personality is clearly real, and fought to keep control for some time. I’d be shocked if they didn’t at least try to get him back.
I think Discovery is making the most of the Mirror Universe - perhaps moreso than any show since the original. I genuinely have a sense of the horror of seeing your evil counterparts, and Sonequa Martin-Green sold the hell out of that opening monologue.
If/when they get back to their universe, Voq would be valuable prisoner/source of information, at the very least. Burnham might also be hoping to get the Tyler personality to reassert itself, too (I know I would be).
I think there was enough time for Burnham to order her crew for wait for her in the transporter room, then double back to her quarters to contact Discovery (and pick up the data disk thingie).
Exactly - and there have been hints that not all Houses in the Empire support the war, including Sarek/Cornwell’s attempt to meet with them that turned out to be a trap. I just want to know more about what’s going on over on the Klingon side.
But do you have Fitz’s commitment?
That’s a fair point - I’ve been assuming the High Council exists, but that they don’t exert control over a unified Empire. I could be very wrong about that, though Memory Alpha cites “The Battle of the Binary Stars” when saying each of the 24 Houses has a seat on the Council. I assume the Council is named in that…
Not exactly “golden age,” but Queen Mary 2 is still out there, and I believe it does cruise duty during part of the year.
My concern is that teasing the trope and then somehow walking it back isn’t a whole lot better than just running headlong into it - particularly depending on how they do it. After giving it some more thought, one way they may have been able to address this would have been to include at least one other scene in the…
The Rose strategy.
the frozen donkey wheel of story arcs
Are you suggesting time travel would be somehow involved? Don’t be ridiculous!
Historical Dharma spin-off set in the 70s, or modern day series featuring Dharma engaging in pseudoscientific shenanigans?
Sorry to @ you, but your opinion is the correct opinion.
You can have “off the record meetings” with the police?
You can’t. Maybe you can privately reach out to the victim(s) and apologize, but even that should really be up to them.