I still think of these ridiculous get-ups at least once a month and giggle to myself. Who let that happen??
I still think of these ridiculous get-ups at least once a month and giggle to myself. Who let that happen??
Udacity has a fantastic front-end program that incorporates html and css and you end up making some fun and practical projects. The nanodegree is behind a paywall, as is a forum and Slack access, but I’m currently in it and having that community there has done wonders for my motivation and level of investment. Could…
We decided that a real Christmas tree was just too much damn work this year and we don’t have space to stow a fake one. We also don’t celebrate aside from cooking extravagantly (quail and pheasant this year) because we live in Germany and our families are spread out across North America and are super duper religious…
I beg to differ, that IS exciting. Your dog sounds like a damn gem even if she is a Twilight fan!
I feel like we don’t use “smoldering” to describe women nearly often enough but goddammit if that woman doesn’t smolder expertly. That whole damn look is *heart eyes*
I think we need more details on this interaction, mostly because it involves a dog.
This would be amazing revenge on behalf of the birds.
I have never seen anything more like Art than that.
I adored both of those. Good taste!
Oh GROSS they look so in love and happy, ugh. Yuuuuuck.
Agreed, I think the next generation has this covered. They are Ivanka-roasting prodigies and don’t need us and I, for one, am fine with early dotage.
“... in 2007 I was living in New Jersey and was literally thirteen-years-old”
Hello Koa!
This is good. This feels a bit like...justice? Or whatever in the face of her being left off the Person of the Year cover (yes I know she was featured INSIDE the mag that’s not the point).
“Bon Appetit” was released in 2017??? Jesus fuck this year has been long, I thought we left that behind in the dumpster fire that was our year of the Lord 2016.
Gary is the dog in the gif GELLA posted. He was Carrie Fisher’s support dog, his tongue is always sticking out, and he was constantly falling asleep in her interviews. He is a delight and a sweetheart and I highly recommend checking out his Instagram account
I had no idea Duncan had an Instagram account!! I think I saw him on the dodo or something ages ago but never thought to look. Aw Duncan, you sweet old house!