Baba Yaga is Too Witches for you

Congratulations on your certification!

Weeell, given that she appears to be a South African citizen I’m not sure classic deportation is a convenient option. But I’m sure open to the idea of heli-dropping her ass in the most remote part of the Kalahari upon release and letting her fend for herself.

Everything about this video is a delight. The music! The horrible video quality! The splashy water bottles and cheers when the couch went it! I could watch this forever!

This is a fascinating comment, thank you!
This is going to sound combative, but I *absolutely* don’t mean it that way, I’m really very curious!
What do you mean when you say it isn’t necessarily more cruel than honey making? Does honey production tend to harm lots of bees? Is it the overall process that’s problematic,


So it sounds to me like you’re in the deeply privileged position of being able to turn down a certain kind of work over another and still being able to support yourself. Congratulations! Not everyone is so lucky, and you seem to be forgetting that.

This is honestly the most bizarre argument to me - you can see my answer up-thread because this reply is just going to be more of the same, but why should sex workers/strippers be responsible for, or care about, their client’s relationship status?? Strippers aren’t stripping because they want to wreck homes, they’re

For the sake of the argument though, sex workers are at work. Why should they, all other things being equal, turn down pay because an attached man who, according to the terms of *his* relationship, shouldn’t be making use of their services but is anyway? Why would a sex worker be interested in their client’s

If a non-single man has entered into a social contract with his partner that he will not visit strippers, and then he DOES visit strippers and make use of their services, that’s all on that dude and literally no one else. Feel about sex workers (and people who pay them for their time) however you want I guess

Eh, no worries, I get that feeling, funnily enough this thread brought me *down* from my edge(iness). Hope the rest of your day is easy and smooth!

To be fair, I’m thoroughly enjoying this borderline wholesome troll feud compared to the personal attacks that usually happen, so I’m all for this Schwifty fan vs. the rest of the commentariat business.

Unfortunately, no one but the authors can permanently pull you out of the grays, but approved commenters can Star your comments and pull them up on that article. However, commenters you reply to directly can see your gray comments (they are also notified), unless they dismiss them. Fair warning there has been a bug in

Look, I’m going to respond to this and then I’m done with the conversation:
If what you got from my comment was that I “didn’t believe it’s real” and that I called you hysterical, that’s on you and what you’re reading into it. I truly am sorry if you’ve been through those horrible things, and I wish you nothing but

Which is arguably *more* effective because then you’ve got crystals on both sides of your heart chakra.
Win win!

Be warned though, I have cried in EVERY EPISODE so far - each one is super fun and has a happy ending, but there are some really emotional moments and back stories that tugged at my heartstrings. Have some kleenex at hand of you’re a crier like me.

I’m very sorry that that happened to you, that does suck. But that was quite the escalation to a what I thought was a very harmless comment about bra crystals.

as soon as I unhinged my bra, they would fly across the room!

Copied down the hex codes, will use mint and sea foam in future projects and refer to them as such, not just as “green” and “slightly different green”.
Thanks, gentle stranger!

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I wish I were motivated enough to look up one of those misleading pronunciation guide videos.