Conservatives in October 2016: It’s just locker room talk!
Conservatives in April 2018: This lady comedian is so vulgar!
Conservatives in October 2016: It’s just locker room talk!
Conservatives in April 2018: This lady comedian is so vulgar!
People keep claiming that Wolf makes fun of Sarah Slanders’ physical appearance, and I’m still trying to figure out where she does that. The smoky eyes and Aunt Lydia jokes were so fucking obviously about the lies and the bullshit.
When representation of a group is absent or near absent, then any representation will be welcomed at first; even if it is stereotypes and #face-acting by another ethnicity. As time goes on and representation increases so the quality of that representation needs to improve too or appreciation will drop. The Simpsons is…
My favorite rescue live kitten feed recently trapped 3 pregnant mama kitties from the same colony, 2 have had their babies in the last few days, an the third one is having some serious contraction right now, about to go into active labor!!!! The best part is this has been happening on and off for the last day -…
Can you imagine living like Taylor Swift? Yes I know, so much money, so many nice things... but fuck... I don’t know if I trade it for all the stalkers she has. She has had some truly frightening run-ins... Knife, masks, black rope... People give her shit for the security she has with her all the time(like the pics of…
Thank god we have a victim-blaming man’s opinion here! I mean, if only she’d look into it a bit more, she’d see that the men have it just as bad! Oh well, what more can we expect from some “moron” who just wants to be treated like a human being?
She’s a spoiled princess with a poor grasp of reality who pisses people off with her ridiculous consumerism? Honestly, I don’t see how comparing anyone to Marie Antoinette is anything but shady. Together with his comments on photographs, he’s being really bitchy to his wife lately
I’d say where was this 11 years ago but where is it now?
as to make sure my jelly didn’t jiggle.
I mean . . .
Sorry, dude, you can’t impress a Big Time Girl with money. She’s got her own. You need to PROVE your love ... like, I dunno, gun down some really high profile guy. How about you DM me for some plausibly-deniable suggestions? Glad to help.
Jinni: many thanks for your active role in the community. I, for one, recognize your time, help and efforts on behalf of others. Thank you for making Jez and The Slot a better, nicer place. Cheers
Hey, compañeros.
What is this coveted status Tony Robbins and George Will seem to think accusers enjoy? These turds think Anita Hill or Rose McGowan or Andrea Constand are walking around with a #MeToo punch card where if you accuse nine high profile men of sexual misconduct, you get a free mani/pedi with the tenth accusation.
Hypebeast Pigeon is an Instagram Influencer.
Is that you, Cannibal Witch?