These are both incredible but OMG HOW CUTE IS TINY TIMBER!
These are both incredible but OMG HOW CUTE IS TINY TIMBER!
What a handsome bearded fellow!!
Oh my god so cute! Thank you, they were all new to me and have been instafollowed!
I LOVE BOTH OF THESE WONKY FACES!!! I’ve been following them for a while already, but thank you for showing me that there is another wonky face enthusiast out there, my boyfriend thinks I’m not all there when it comes to this...
And adding to your fun aunts/uncles point, not only do we get that, as far as I am aware, the individuals working as staff in and around senior facilities are very often several generations younger than the people they’re caring for. So until Coulter has some really solid plans for competent AI nursing staff etc, I’ll…
Give me celebrity dogs over celebrity people any day, and Gary really is the ultimate celebrity dog. My heart.
I’m so sorry for what you went through, and I hope the distance of time and knowing that how they treated you was not your fault will allow you some reprieve from the memories. You deserve better.
Please do a scathing takedown of Dota2's Crystal Maiden and her terrifying bouncing boobs with certain sets next. They still haven’t fixed that more than a year out and I find it so aggravating.
This is an excellent take.
I did the frustration-flag. But lucky me, today I learned how absolutely satisfying dismissing is!
I don’t think it’s worth engaging with you over this because it’s pretty clear that you just want to be outraged. But honestly, at a certain age, age differences just aren’t as relevant anymore, and I’m of the firm opinion that when both parties have passed the “middle age” mark they are free to do whatever the fuck…
I just reloaded and found I had 12 notifications of which, to my disappointment, 3/4 were trolling. But I got to dismiss them! Does this mean I’ve made it on the jezebel dot com????!!!
I almost hope that douchetroll is getting paid for all these efforts. But only almost. Most of me hopes their floor is made of loose Lego pieces.
Sarah Paulson is 42 years old. She’s a big girl who can make her own choices.
Ain’t this the truth.
Summon the vegans!!
Oh my god your husband! I hope his childlikeness has been entertaining/welcome, but regardless, guess who is doing ALL THE CHORES for the next ten years!! He’s got some catching up to do if he’s going to grow up!
Never so apt as here, but I think it might be my go-to for now!