No, the condescension shouldn’t be accepted, but it’s a lot more mainstream to be a douchebag to menstruating people than it is to be a douchebag to man-cold sufferers.
No, the condescension shouldn’t be accepted, but it’s a lot more mainstream to be a douchebag to menstruating people than it is to be a douchebag to man-cold sufferers.
Oh, yes, you did! Did I accurately convey that I was agreeing with you?? Reading it back I am confused by my own statement because I apparently cannot English today. My bad.
“We’re like we’re in a musical constantly and we just sing. We actually don’t talk to each other, we just sing like a musical and everything we sing is like ‘I love you,’ like it’s pretty much the whole time like how great we are.”
Oh but in all honesty McD coffee is legit really, really good. It is, NO WORD OF A LIE, some of the best coffee you can get in pretty much all of Germany if you enjoy North American style-coffee and just want that easy drinking experience. Like, sometimes I do not want to chew on an espresso or be challenged by a…
Saaaaame, and I’m also one of them tacky bitches that likes the pumpkin spice (but also loves coffee).
Haha, you’re clearly doing something right, though! I like “stubborn cuss” - I am a stubborn cuss of a sort too, in that I stubbornly cuss at everything life throws at me. Is that a regional term? I’ve never hear anyone called a “cuss” before and I find it charming!
What a lovable dumbass. “Oh no honey eye cream means it’s made *of* eyes, not that it’s *for* eyes!”
<3 <3 <3
Yep. Crying.
Why are you thinking this hard about it, I’ve been trying to block it from my brain the last 6.25 minutes!
The new pussy hat!
Tragically they have fixed the Adam Adams headline, but I’m happy to report that they will probably not be fixing the URL so behold:
Like, what is it with the, like, valley policing over here?? I haven’t paid my membership in years!
Oh no, yeah, I tend not to discuss these types of things with men who aren’t already on my side - they get too shouty and outraged and I’m not doing the work of placating them afterward.
don’t take me seriously if you don’t want to, your opinion is not going to change how I talk one, like, bit
trolling 1/10 try again
YUP Tom Hanks is on the “oh god please no” list