I think it may have been McAvoy who was meant, but thanks for posting those nonetheless because now I don’t have to google later!
I think it may have been McAvoy who was meant, but thanks for posting those nonetheless because now I don’t have to google later!
pray do tell me what point I’m missing
oh my god YES that’s the next shocking aspect YOU’RE AT WORK BRO
I’m guessing we’re missing a bit of context in the video, maybe an adjacently-related statement was made prior to the outburst or something. I cannot imagine that a man who reacts that way even sees trans or non-gender-conforming identities as valid, and he was probably just *boiling over* with having to bottle up…
Oh my God I have NEVER raised my voice like that when my fee-fees were hurt what the fuck??? Like, you are that reactive and explosive and you’re IN THE POLICE FORCE? (I realize these are just rhetorical questions but it’s all I can do to get my visceral reaction out)
I feel for Weber and I’m extremely worried this is…
Still better than the alternative of them committing assault with impunity, but my bf and I were discussing this the other day and we now basically have a list of dudes we’d be very upset at for being douches. You hold on to the good things...
I had to think really hard before I figured out why the hell she was on there, and when I remembered the lawsuit I was still confused because while I absolutely agree with how valuable her standing up for herselfis and the good example that sets, that’s really all she did...the #metoo movement stood for EVERYONE,…
Humblebrag 5/10 and I’ll give you another point for the grunt
Ugh, I’ll look it up later (I think I’ve heard murmurings) but that’s still pretty shitty - never hung my hat on him but I love my X-Men franchise ;(
Like, maybe if she could absolve herself re: the BIGGEST bad guy, it would automatically absolve her of all the “lesser” sins she’s committed?
That’s kinda what I’m feeling. I have no feel for whether Hillary may have known or not, but I don’t respect Dunham one whit more for this kind of statement. It seems petty and…
Welp, at least both our shameful secrets are on the kinja now
Humblebrag 3/10
Oh my god did you TOTALLY have a thing for Mr. Tumnus too??? I had to come out as a semi-furry after that movie *coughbookcough*
Ok listen Finger I nearly had a heart attack at this headline because oh no, not James McAvoy, X-Man of my heart, too! I was afraid he was going to be One of Them, the sleazebags.
I couldn’t have taken it today.
(I mean, let’s not stop outing the bastards, I’m just going to be over here keeping my fingers and toes…
I hope that was really gratifying!
Fucking poor, spending the pittance they make on whatever they want. How dare they, that’s not how capitalism works!
Do you have a radar on whether they’ll be able to enforce it this time? This is so far beyond the pale that I can only hope these employees will also be able to tell FEMA to fuck off and it will work...how unbelievably awful.
I agree with this step, and I think it’s absolutely great to try and educate people who may have no idea what these animals go through. My only worry is: Instagram has a bit of a dodgy reputation regarding some of the content they remove. I follow some photography accounts that have had posts featuring relatively…
I’m right there with you - I enjoy Frozen because I’m a gd sentimental sack with really poor taste, but I LOVE Moana. It’s just so fucking joyful.