I was just reading Everything What’s wrong of Possums yesterday and it made me so sad and happy.
I was just reading Everything What’s wrong of Possums yesterday and it made me so sad and happy.
Best wishes to you, hope your day has been and continues to be lovely!
I’ve now reached the age that I feel like this is one of those things I’ll be telling The Youths when I’m old and doddery. (Old Lady Voice) “That nasty old Charles Manson, he died on my so-and-so’th birthday, I remember that...”.
Haha - our anniversary is on his birthday as well, and we only realized after we had cemented the fact. My grandfather was drafted as a German soldier, and he had this weird quirk of always remembering what day Hitler’s birthday was (I guess you would, wouldn’t you?) and he’d say something like “heut hätt’ der olle…
omg so cute!
Hurray for scorpios! Hope you have a wonderful day!
Today is my birthday, and I’m pretty chill about the fact that it is shared with this event. 🎉
Oh gosh, tell him not to worry, instagram makes me tear up on the reg, mine is also all rescue animals and cute cuddly things. As much as I love your recountings, I do hope those hormones cut you some slack soon. I get the same jolt for about a day during my cycle, and I know how disconcerting it is when you just get…
It is, like, why are you trying to trump up your five years of knowing this dude???
Did you...did you not read my comment?
I think this is exactly what makes it so bad - I tried to think, when that story broke, what would I do if someone accused my brother, for example, of sexual assault even though I have zero evidence that he is a predator of any type. It’s a difficult thought experiment because a male friend, no matter how long-term -…
It really is, although sometimes it is very scary how easy it is to sink into the anonymity and think “aw hell, no one knows its me anyway”. I do sincerely hope you get your lab-grown white tiger one day!
Oh my gosh I have, but thank you so much for linking it, it’s exactly what I need right now!
Eh, fair enough, that’s also why I like to be judgemental on the internet :)
Oh vile meteor stink get away from me!
I actually love this recurring “things that made me, a pregnant lady, cry” thread topic. It is so sweet, and your dog and your baby are going to LOVE each other!!
Hey you, I don’t think we’ve ever interacted before but I lurk you on sns all the time (I’m way ahead of the States in terms of time so I usually only get around to reading when everyone is gone), but I just wanted you to know that I always only hope for good things for you and yours - you are hilarious and take no…
Replying to say I think this is a massively cool idea, whether you call it a boycott or not (boycott does sound...a bit wrong, but I honestly can’t put my finger on why. This would almost be more of a Lysistratic protest).