Baba Yaga is Too Witches for you

Ok good because every time I’ve listened to a pop song in ca. 2017 I’ve sworn its just an auto-tuned mess, or has bunches of little auto-tuned messes in it. This is it, this is when I have finally earned “not hip with the youth” status. Thank you for being here to witness it, dear PENDING (you should not be grey. Why

RIGHT??! I was so desperate for that faux fur monstrosity at the end to get smushed into a chlorinated mess, and being denied that small pleasure is deeply aggravating.

I have to be honest, I couldn’t pick her voice out of a line-up on any day, but based on my experience now about an hour after listening to this song, I can’t remember what she sounds like, that song was so aggressively bland that I’m a bit offended...

Is auto-tune just a thing I have to put up with now, even where it’s not needed?

I am on this train with you. I’m so sorry for ever defending them, and I will never do so again.

I so completely agree with you and I desperately want her to GO AWAY.

The situation you’re describing, though, is literally predisposing you to NEVER engage in trophy hunting? So I’m not sure why you’re telling me that you would be perfectly happy to snuff out one of these animals under your perfect conditions. Like I’m not talking about North American trophy hunting of bears or

And I so get wanting to do this 100 years ago, when you may have been the one person out of who knows how many to have been able to travel to Africa, and would have only been able to do it once it your life. But I find it unconscionable in 2017 to say “I really wanna fuck up this lion that may be on the verge of

You are in charge of getting someone to try this gambit because I think you’re on to something...

Trophy hunting, especially canned trophy hunting, is literally *the* (non-criminal, obvs) activity I will unequivocally and unabashedly judge and despise someone for engaging in. I give zero shits how “good” you are in the rest of your life or why you do it, you can go rot in hell.

yup. she’s a keeper.


On German trains they say “sehr geehrte Fahrgäste” which translates to “highly esteemed riding guests” and I think that’s lovely.

Herzlichen (belated) Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag! I’ve only recently de-lurked more seriously, but I’ve been appreciating your posts and opinions for years. Hope this jew year holds many good things.

“should everyone get a notary and wait 2 weeks for approval?”


I know, right? Mädchen, iirc, comes from a gender-neutral ancestor word for child, but it really is kind of icky that it’s stuck around for so long. It’s always weirded me out too.

I quite agree with your idea that it is so rampant because of our rigid linguistic system. I haven’t seen a ton of transphobia first hand,weirdly/luckily enough, but just the other day a colleague was waxing outraged that Trudeau was all in for the third gender, how dare he, this will cause all sorts of rampant sexual

I’d go all in for Baroque-y pastels