Baba Yaga is Too Witches for you

First of all, Caitlin is amazing. I’ve been following her work for years, and while I’m not in the death industry, the Order of the Good Death has been so great for my fascination with death practices around the world, and also for my grappling with my own mortality and fear thereof. I loved Smoke Gets in Your Eyes

Uuuum only if said plastic surgery is a face-lift that pulls back the corners of your mouth so you have a perma-smile, baby! C’mon, you’re so pretty when you smile!

Hey! I’m super late to this, but if you’re still around: tell me what it is like to live with a Sphynx? I’m interested in adding a pair (probably) to an otherwise pet free apartment home. How do you find dealing with the bathing and the keeping warm of their nekkid bodies? Are they really as dog-like as the forums

You’re certainly right - it’s horrible that the first (and best) thing I can say to you is “whelp, hope you can run away!”. I like your ideas and will subscribe to your newsletter!

Horrifying. Good idea about the body cams though, I’d get behind that ;)

I’m totally here for this age-based who gets it vs who doesn’t!

What a shit heel. I’m so sorry. Do you have any recourse? Can you refuse? Such a douchebag.

It was So. Good. I’m still crossing my fingers that maybe it will be picked up somehow, somewhere, though I know that’s naive.

“Men” don’t have a hard time in social situations, YOU have a hard time in social situations, and you might need to re-evaluate yourself and see if maybe you’re not a lame-ass shitfalcon after all.

Noooope...I’m 3 years older than TS and I feel exactly the same way you do

“Who knows, you might not even be fertile?”

This was my first thought after a little rage stroke, too. My heart sank when I saw a photo of Sgt. Johnson on a different news outlet before coming here, because I just knew Cheetolini’s comments would be a hundred times more insensitive because the soldiers was black. “He knew what he he was getting into” just feels

I don’t consider the military service to be a compelling reason for her casting, I meant it more to describe her overall vibe and as the possible reasoning behind why the film was so successful for her, and why she so often seems to be considered the most important thing to come out of WW - she is an attractive woman

Thank you so much!

Oh my god they really are

Awww, that person made such an effort to tick all the SJW troll bingo boxes, though. Can’t you just appreciate that???!

How are you viewing the jezebel dot com? On both my mobile device and when I open it on my browser there are now new categories above certain features, like Dirt Bag and Barf Bag. Take out your frustration on the helpdesk if you don’t see it, maybe it’s a browser issue?

I mean, I find her incredibly charming in interviews, and she did serve a few years in the military in Israel after winning Miss Israel as a teenager, so she has kind of a “is gorgeous but can probably kill you in a split second” vibe going on...but aside from that she doesn’t, as far as I know, have anything

Oh my god you have to stop, at this rate I’m never getting in a car again!

Nope, do not. I grew up in South Africa and have had it hammered into my skull since childhood that you do not stop the car at night no matter what, and you do not get out to help. It’s not a kind attitude but Jesus fuck this kind of thing kills me, it is so terrifying.