Baba Yaga is Too Witches for you

Hello! I’m a German who lives in Germany! I’m ok! I want to acknowledge your fears because I get it completely, I have an anxiety hamster wheel in my head that happens to run on “terrorist fumes” an embarrassing amount of the time (I mean that I can work myself into an anxious froth over the idea that I might be

I just got back from vacation in Egypt and it was literally this, tourists from a single destination being shuttled to their various hotels. We booked a in a chain hotel so we knew (mostly) what to expect, others weren’t so lucky. The complaints on the way home a week later were priceless...

if you think that’s a bad thing then you are WRONG

And thus we know why there will be no Correspondent’s Dinner...

I have never seen this and regret that so much of my life has gone by me without knowing of its existence...

Ha! I think my heart eyes were literally instead of figurative, too.


The only sane reason why this marriage maybe shouldn’t have been allowed is because that’s too much gorgeous for one couple. Leave some for the rest of us dammit.

She does have her problems and I’d love to see some new blood come in, but considering the circumstances she is my political rock right now ❤️

I get you so hard! I obviously woke up as the last results were rolling in, I think I had just sat up in horror when it was called for Herr Cheetolini. And I was deeply deeply disappointed but composed, until I was reading something in the news and there was a picture of HRC and Angie and I just couldn’t. Started

Mutti I love you!!


In all seriousness I find this an interesting and entertaining premise as the sillier sister of the Bechdel test - can you cut all the women’s roles out of the movie and have it still make sense? Yes? Not enough women!

My heart. What an excellently good boy.

Mutti’s fear of dogs may be *the* most German thing about her. I don’t know what it is with my people and fear of dogs but sheesh, every third person I know. We are 33% untrustworthy.

I’m crying

Just piggy-backing on this if you want to keep up to date.

Internet stranger giving you permission not to feel guilty, if that helps. Anxiety is a perfectly valid reason to avoid an event like this, I’ve been in the same position in the past. And I’m going on the assumption that you voted, or worst case did the best you could, to try and elect the candidate that would have

Me. I have the best “excuse” (I’m on a small European island where there wasn’t a march, and even if there had been I’m here for business purposes that mean I’d not have been available for what I’m needed for), but there’s still a feeling of ragret. But I stayed on live streams and Jez’s liveblog all day and sent lots

If Donald Trump wants to live in the United States, he’s going to have to assimilate to our way of doing things.