
You do know that cabinet members play a role in succession, right? But even then qualifications of the cabinet members are irrelevant?

Other gynecologists offices don’t have to fundraise to keep their doors open.

I’m sure her replacement would have had far more extensive cabinet level and Dept of Transportation experience.

We are taking about who in Trump’s administration has demonstrated excellence in their respective fields. So what has Chao done in her professional life that had made you question her judgement? Anything?’s all McConnell’s fault. The people of Kentucky had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with his rise to power.

I have neurodegenerative disease. I use voice to text software to type. And I had three strokes that affected my language abilities prior my 40th birthday.

We do NOT do this to men! Men can stand on their own achievements and failures. But with women, we rush to examine their romantic and sexual relationships. Enough of this bullshit!

He also could have said something at the time the tape was being made. For example:

It’s not Trump’s fault that Billy Bush is in the dog house. And it’s not Access Hollywoood’s fault. It’s Billy’s fault.

The Supreme Court reversed about 70 percent of the cases it took between 2010-15.

I agree that my failure to use quotation marks in that second example was wrong and confusing.

Chao has been a career civil servant. She has many achievements and served a stint as the Deputy Secretary of the Department of Transportation.

Have you considered a lucrative career in avocado farming? Or hand surgery? I hear that a lot of millenials seem to be cutting their hands on avocados.

Consider these two examples:

There is a huge difference between presenting someone’s ideas as your own, and footnoting them but failing to properly position your quotation marks.

Chao served as Secretary of Labor for 8 years and oversaw sweeping changes to workplace safety and significantly lower workplace fatality rates.

To be fair, the Supreme Court is very picky about what cases it takes and will only take those where the standing decision is controversial.

It’s like they are wearing Girl Scout sashes, but with fake merit badges.

Elaine Chao was a pretty good Secretary of Labor under Bush. I feel that she was qualified for the Secretary of Transportation position.

Not to pick a fight with Modern Language Association standards, but if he cited his sources then I am hesitant to call his failure to use quotation marks full-on-plagerism.