
Have your checked your spending on avocados? I hear they are driving millenials into bankruptcy. Be safe, cut back now.

Foreign women are not required to cover their hair in Saudi Arabia. Female heads of state and First Ladies do not cover their hair in Saudi Arabia unless they also do so at home. Laura Bush covered her hair once; right after being gifted a scarf. Other times she showed her hair.

I hate to pay her a compliment, but Melania’s outfit was superb. Elegant, modest, practical, fashionable, and flattering.

The irony is that much of the pro-choice movement wants Planned Parenthood to go out of business.

If the millenials would just stop buying so many avocados, they would be able to pay off their student loans and buy homes.

But but but...but muh bible!

Why should anyone have to expose their child to formaldehyde to comply with a dress code? Or lye? Or a hot comb or flat iron?

“The policy also, incredibly, bans hair that exceeds two inches in thickness or height”.

Why can only women dunk Weiner?

Scalia made it his business to deny basic civil rights to millions of Americans. He made life much harder than necessary for a lot of people, and for no good reason.

I agree her sentence was just. She committed a terrible crime and the punishment reflected the serious nature of her crimes.

Without a pearl neckless?

Nobody told me that I suppose to match my shoes to the ceiling.

And then Jesus did reach out to the poor, to the sick, to the needy; and he did grab them by the pussy.

FWIW: Plenty of Business Professors believe in climate change.

I have a mental picture of Donald Trump stomping around the White House, screaming at his staff, and demanding to know why people don’t believe him.

I’m old. And my college and graduate school professors used the phrase “priming the pump”. Trump’s children most certainly heard the phrase at Wharton....if they went to class that is.

Wow! Abby Lee Miller sounds sooooo remorseful.

We need a special prosecutor to investigate Trump’s Russia dealings. I hear Sally Yates is available.

I’ve been driving for 30 years and have never gotten a ticket. Maybe Guidice should stick to Uber.