
I’m 100% in favor of legalizing drugs.

I hope Rep. Duckworth smacks him upside the head with both of her prosthetic legs.

Has anyone explained to Trump that China doesn’t want to get involved in part because it doesn’t want to deal with 25 million North Korean refugees?

Unless (and hear me out) there is some element of sound reasoning behind slashing some budget line items.

Any of the first 15 Presidents could have taken actions that would have prevented the Civil War.

He seems to believe that Andrew Jackson, who owned slaves, could have prevented the Civil War.

I’m pretty sure that historians have written extensively regarding the causes of the US Civil War.

 Some birth control methods work in part by by preventing a fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus. To some people, this makes birth control an abortifacient. As such, they see the use of birth control as directly causing abortions.

Those third world, war torn, Middle Eastern counties of which you speak were previously fairly secular societies. Syria in particular. And that is EXACTLY THE POINT.

Does anyone have a picture of him when he was younger?

A teenager with non-abusive, non-manipulative parents who aren’t brainwashing their children can sometimes make a decision about custody.

Let me say this again. There are women and girls living in captivity in Syria right now, being passed around to boost military morale and to provide the next generation of jihadists. They are subjected to very harsh laws that severely limit their most basic human rights.

The Handmaid’s Tale is not a comprehensive review of human right’s violations. It is a novel, movie, and mini-series with a heavy focuse on reproductive rights.

I have vibrators and use sex toys. That doesn’t mean that I don’t want to have sex with my husband. Sometimes I want an orgasm and he’s not available or in the mood. It’s that simple.

Red Pillers would be fine with many elements of the Handmaid’s Tale. Their version of alphas and betas would likely be commanders and guardians who “earned” an econowife. They would probably be cool with existence of the jezebels and their forced sterilization.

I think that when one calls a story unrealistic, it is perfectly reasonable to point out just how realistic it is. Particularly when they are commenting on how “unrealistic” the oppression of others is.

I am not familiar with any historical examples of grown men being systematically raped as a war crime. I know many historical and some current examples of where women and children were used for “morale” or for reproduction.

Did you explain to him that everything that is done to the Handmaids in the story has actually been done to women at some point in history, somewhere in the world?

1 of 2 things is happening to Hannity.

Coulter: This is about free speech! I will not be silenced! I will speak no matter what!