
I am white and have curly hair that requires heavy moisturizing or else it will turn into a frizzball.

I am petite and it doesn’t bother me when models tower over me by a foot. And it doesn’t bother me that they are prettier than I am. Because they aren’t supposed to represent any sort of “average” or “normal”. They are sought out precisely because they are taller and prettier.

Omg...imagine if someone told my husband and I that our future child would look like well cooked chicken breast.

Lincoln declared war on the Confederacy. Not the other way around. So it would be hard to argue that the Confederacy levied war.

I always had Black Friday off. So few people would come into the office that day and so little work could be done, the company preferred to just close for the 4 day weekend. No need to heat a nearly empty building in which nothing productive is occurring.

Succession is not treason.

Texas Independence Day. Which, ironically, is also Sam Houston Day.

You need to brush up on your US history. The Confederacy is not “a dark chapter in American history when black people were considered three-fifths of a human being and were enslaved to make rich white men richer.”

In the early 1980's, my elementary school had a two hour “study hall” every Wednesday afternoon. This was because many of the students attended a religion class at a local Catholic school during this time.

Hawaii’s native population is Polynesian, not Caucasian. Session’s “joke” was basically: It’s unfair for a non-Caucasian anything to exert power over a Caucasian anything.

My niece is a successful commercial model. She primarily does catalogs, but has done a few regional print and TV ads. She has made more than enough to pay for college and grad school.

She was working directly with Ron Howard. Howard was a wildly successful child actor who translated his childhood successes into an extraordinary career in entertainment. She had the best possible role model.

“Everyone should be arrested and prosecuted equally.”

This an a great example of privilege. Ableism to be specific.

There are plenty of issues on which I am willing to look the other way for an otherwise qualified candidate. Reproductive rights are not one of them.

Are you saying that ANYONE can go to UC Berkeley and say ANYTHING they want?

The Bill of Rights protects people from the government, not each other.

Why? Why can’t we promise undocumented people who entered the country as minors (and are not responsible for that action) that they can stay? What exactly would happen if all these individuals remained in the US?

Let me see if I get this straight:

The earth is more or less spherical and there are many valid shipping paths.