
Insert comment about how Trump promised to create job, then created a job for his daughter and son-in-law.

I don’t think political conservatives sees the irony.

I applied for a 3 year old’s class. Didn’t get a spot, attended the private school I had applied to as a back-up plan.

That’s not so crazy for pre-school in Manhattan.

Sure! To hell with Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center! What do they do besides providing some of the best oncology care in the world? Bye Bye Cornell and Siani Medical Schools and Hospitals! Ta ta Hospital for Special Surgery! Same to you, Lenox Hill. NYU and Presbyterian are going to be busy!

Do these men ever dine with male clients? Business partners? Employees? Colleagues? Constituents? Lobbyists? Etc.?

Most abortions are provided to women who already have children. Meaning there would be some pregnancy related medical records; possibly multiple sets in multiple locations. This is a stall tactic to make women wait until it’s too late for an elective abortion.

I was responding to a comment about a conflict between social security and veteran’s disability. One can qualify for veteran’s disability without being considered disabled by the Social Security Administration.

They can talk about fake dicks all day.

To the Social Security Administration though, being able to attend (and pass) college courses is an indication that you are able to hold some kind of job.

You mean to a relatively higher paying, relatively safer job installing solar panels? Or manufacturing windmills? Or something else with a future?

I don’t have anything I didn’t earn myself.

I am wealthy enough that I will be fine no matter who is in the White House or Congress. Anyone upper-middle class or wealthier will be fine. They always are.

Wouldn’t the logical extension of that be that ONLY those people who voted for George HW Bush would be protected by the Americans with Disabilities Act? Or only those people who voted for Obama in the first place could get covered by the ACA.

Don’t call them lazy! Do you know how hard it is to take ALL our jobs, rape, murder, and distribute drugs? It’s like we are actually afraid of superheroes.

Some of the most popular provisions of the ACA are no lifetime maximums on benefits, no exclusion or higher rates for pre-existing coverage, not charging women more for coverage, coverage for maternity and neonatal care, and allowing children to remain on their parent’s plan until age 26.

Because society sexualizes young girls to the point that a middle school student is targeted at the public pool.

I took my 12 year old niece to the pool last summer. Grown men were oggling her; two even approached her.

Trump is a billionaire because he includes the value that he assigns to his name and brand in his net worth.

The world’s greatest negotiator (just ask him); The ONE man who can fix America (just ask him); can’t unite his own party. And it’s the other party’s fault.