An Exercise In Bad Taste

These people have forever ruined those haircuts for me. Versions of it used to be popular in the goth scene, and were really sexy on non-bigoted individuals. Not anymore! Can't have nice things.

Fun fact: people remain conscious for several seconds to a few minutes after decapitation.

It's true - this is the reason I'm not getting treated properly for Ehlers Danlos pain, which is constant and unrelenting. at this point, I can supplement my medication with street drugs, which is extremely expensive, or I can give up my life entirely.

Ugh, I must have one of those too.

I wouldn’t go there. She’s not that heavy anyway, although she does kinda look like she suffers from acromegaly.

Jesus fuck, doesn't this guy have literally anything else to do with his life?

Oh my god. Such good good doggies!!

Jeez. Journalists are really finding themselves being killed in some horrible ways these past 20 years...

Not to mention kennedy and all the interns, schoolgirls, actresses, etc.

If that office could talk, I imagine it would say “I yearn for the days when the grossest substance on my surfaces was Clinton fluids. I’m trapped in an inferno of an old man’s orange farts.”

People don't forget who raped them, dumbass.

Remind us - which party collaborated with the Russians, gerrymandered voting districts, suppressed minority voters, damaged the senate and the Supreme Court when they rammed a sex offendor through?

Yeah, dreamy people petting adorable animals is pretty intoxicating!

I mean, on the one hand I vaguely sympathize, because my elementary school teachers have some equally bad stories about me, but I'm also not brimming with race-hate. that is the most miserable child I've ever seen in my life.

Not a good time to make this about you. 

Bretty boy will now proceed to rape the American people, our constitution, and all the social progress we’ve ever achieved until the day he dies.

Not to mention the red cheeks. I mean, I feel that was him NOT drunk...

I seriously have more violent thoughts about McConnel than I do about trump and pence combined at this point. What an obnoxious, backward-thinking hypocrite.

The articles i read about her career as a sex crimes prosecutor made her sound like Olivia benson. She’s been doing this since 1993 and has put a lot of horrible people away, so I believe that she is very good at her job. She knew that kavanaugh did it. She wrote that report discrediting dr ford anyway. Even if the