An Exercise In Bad Taste

Don’t ever question how loveable/datable you are just because two assholes found each other. I’m single too - chronically so. And I AM a siren. An intelligent and cultured siren. But i also have pair-bonding issues, major depression, trauma, and I’m admittedly somewhat emotionally crippled. I could go on...

HAHAHAHA. how am I just seeing this? This is some George Constanza shit.

No way, the Satanists want noting to do with him.

Nah, he doesn't look difficult to fight off. Even if he did manage to chloroform someone, I can't imagine him being able to drag a human adult very far. It's more likely he has a basement with Real Dolls chained up, modeled after various women who have rejected him over the years.

Wow. So that's Melania when she's actually attracted to someone. I can't imagine her ever looking at trump that way.

Not to mention Trag, Tribb, Tramp, and Scranton....

Yeah - he was always creepy-looking, but it’s gotten exponentially worse over the course of 3 years. He’s not even 35 and he looks like a possessed 1990s Giuliani .

Women are favored in custody battles because of gender essentialist ideas about women being nurturing, designated caregivers with no other ambitions. (The same kinds of ideas that designate men as the preferred. breadwinner.) Most feminists want this to change, not only because it saddles women with the role of

What about “Gloria Steinem in a pussy hat?”

At this point he could (and probably will) drop his pants and shit on the White House lawn in front of the press. Then he would say it’s a huge conspiracy and that it was HILLARY shitting on the wh lawn, and his fans would do whatever mental gymnastics necessary to believe it.

Everything sucks, but those doggies sitting on top of each other made me happy for a few good seconds :) 

.....why can’t I get past this...

Omg. That lady reminds me very strongly of Fred armisen’s feminist bookstore lady, both in that they look alike, and this sounds like exactly the kind of insane thing Candace would do.

Wow, I didn’t realize they still bothered to maintain a non-lunatic after the laughable farce that was “hannity and colmes”

I wonder how Jared is feeling about his association with a regime that encourages this kind of behavior. Especially considering his grandparents were survivors.

I wish the most medieval of punishments upon this bastard.

Jesus. Ted Cruz is younger than my mother, but he looks old enough to be her father. What is it about these rapidly aging neo-cons?

Yep. Very similar to what I believe he would say if he were to be raped in prison.

I really don’t want to hear about Stephen Avery anymore. He’s not the west Memphis 3, he's a fucking cat killer and wife beater.

Well I’m sure he’d LIKE to have a mistress, but remember how those rumors about his affairs never stuck? No one believes anyone would fuck ted Cruz, other than his possibly cyborg wife.