And I’m guessing the irony of his own daughters growing up with an alcoholic father while he denies to klobuchar that he has a problem is lost on him.
And I’m guessing the irony of his own daughters growing up with an alcoholic father while he denies to klobuchar that he has a problem is lost on him.
Oh I’m sure the White House “resistance” has plenty of checks and balances to prevent him from doing anything extreme!
That's actually a great idea that you should pitch to someone who can fund and/or organize it. I'm pretty sure it would give him a rage induced stroke.
Wtf. Is she seriously wandering around by herself trying to “help” homeless people?
Yeah it’s almost like Kate McKinnon didn’t see the very loud fit he threw. Everyone else was pretty spot-on though.
I think entertainment is more of a mixed bag of psych issues. There’s definitely some bipolar disorder among people with “theatrical” personalities, a lot of narcissism throughout the business, both clinical and sub-clinical. A lot of people with histrionic personality pursue things like acting and modeling, because…
Probably refers to speaking out in a public forum, as opposed to telling friends or a therapist.
Now this is how you confront those cowards! This should be happening every day. We cannot let them make these constant immoral decisions without making them face the consequences of what they’ve done.
I’m confused. Is he trolling? Or is he really that stupid?
yknow he’s going to read that and be inspired to play with the stove.
I really hope you have some kind of live-in aid to keep your house child-proofed at all times.
Uh yes - there are people who have witnessed him taking his dick out and acting like a drunk asshole. There is evidence linking him to this and other crimes. His yearbook is chock full of gross sexual references. Then again, since you believe his “virgin” story, I have a bridge and a timeshare to sell you. think people just get mixed up about which guy tried to force themselves on them in high school? Somehow she just “forgot” during her years of PTSD?
How many times did they bring up Dianne Feinstein holding back the letter “until the last minute?” It wasn’t even a fucking question. They really thought that was the most important point to reaffirm.
The penalties for animal abuse and murder should be the same as the penalties for harming/killing humans. It takes a really perverse kind of sociopathy to do the kind of thing Avery did. I almost feel like killing animals is worse because there is absolutely no possible motive. (unless there is a large creature…
Ugh. Every single thing I hear or read about Avery is really horrible. I really don't appreciate the fact that this series is getting him sympathy and probably fans.
Jesus fuck. Can DCF please remove those children from that lunatic?
You forgot /s!
Nah, he’s way more deranged than Manson.