An Exercise In Bad Taste

Melania needs to give him the pillow already.

You’re right about Dassey. It kinda reminds me of the west Memphis three, which began when the police got a disabled kid to confess to something he didn’t do.

He’s a cat killer. Lock him up and forget about him.

I’m frankly surprised those idiots had any concept of what the female reproductive system looks like.

The useless murdering cops are Joshua bishop and Stephen flood (how darkly ironic.) one of them is pictured here:

Jesus fuck. Why were they being transferred during a hurrican in the first place?? Why does ANYONE put cops in charge of the mentally ill? They somehow always end up killing us. 

Fox News is the “safe space” of the right.

Bieber looks like that right-wing lunatic character Sacha baron cohen did on his series.

Especially since he seemed to dose them pretty liberally.

I’d like to think that jimmy wouldn’t defend this particular variety of criminal.

I'm pretty certain that most of them do not find anything wrong with men committing sexual assault. They might as well stop pretending at this point.

That really sucks that she ended up with an abusive partner after what kavanaugh did.

I read somewhere (might have been wikipedia tbh) that on standardized tests, girls out-perform boys before age 14. After that, their average score lags slightly behind boys. I always suspected this was due to a loss of confidence that results from being treated differently and outright harassed. I guess that's

I think it is related. By age 13, of a girl hasn't personally been harassed yet, they will have seen other girls getting harassed.

Ha! I was literally about to say that’s what Steven miller will look like when he’s 35

Dozens of people must have known about these incidents - especially if he was one of the boys who “took turns” with the drunk girl. If there are other incidents, which there probably are, hundreds of people must have known. He wasn’t exactly discreet.


I thought beto’s answers were great, especially on the really divisive issues. But idk...its Texas. It seems like all Cruz had to do is say “I love god” or “HE AGREES WITH HILLARY” and the idiots cheer and foam at the mouth about it.

Wow, more people need to see the photo of that bus. It directly contradicts what he has said to the senate about roe v wade. Not that this would be his first giant lie. That Kosinski business is telling.

Your posts really do make me feel better