An Exercise In Bad Taste

I think it is related. By age 13, of a girl hasn't personally been harassed yet, they will have seen other girls getting harassed.

Ha! I was literally about to say that’s what Steven miller will look like when he’s 35

Dozens of people must have known about these incidents - especially if he was one of the boys who “took turns” with the drunk girl. If there are other incidents, which there probably are, hundreds of people must have known. He wasn’t exactly discreet.


I thought beto’s answers were great, especially on the really divisive issues. But idk...its Texas. It seems like all Cruz had to do is say “I love god” or “HE AGREES WITH HILLARY” and the idiots cheer and foam at the mouth about it.

Wow, more people need to see the photo of that bus. It directly contradicts what he has said to the senate about roe v wade. Not that this would be his first giant lie. That Kosinski business is telling.

Your posts really do make me feel better

Maybe jones can use one of those live sex webcam sites to express his views. 5$ a minute!

If this affects trumpsters in the area, they will find a way to blame Obama and the clintons.

Clearly he had some mixed feelings about contraception.


I was just about to comment on that myself. I think I'm slightly more disturbed that anyone chose to sleep with him than I am about him causing an abortion like that.

We have tartes, gateaux, and other poof pastries.

Omg. Do you know what word he was trying to say there?

Actual gay here. Can confirm Obama is not gay. He does not attend the conventions, although we do invite him.

Maybe she meant “in which 4 or more people were shot.” The math would work in that scenario.

Oh I agree that there are intelligent sociopaths - CEOs as you mentioned, and I suspect some politicians and people in finance/banking. I would say that the US is structured to give people like that a strong advantage, and one of the results is that we have a middle class that is eroding. As smart as some of those

Yeah, I’ve read books about violence and domestic abuse, and it’s disgusting how entitled those men feel to terrorize their partners. They really believe they can do no wrong.

Those boys lived in my neighborhood too. (And came from “nice” waspy families.) when I was 8 or 9, one of them asked “would you be my girlfriend?” I giggled and walked away. Then his friend came up to me and said “would you have sex with Justin??”

Nah, you’d screech about it and throw an ugly fit like this woman did.