An Exercise In Bad Taste

Lived in both cities. Can verify that Boston is fucking horrible and full of hostile racists and homophobes. we’d end up with large violent brutes in power, stealing resources from everyone else (and possibly killing them.) how the hell is that supposed to work? If they didn’t annhilate each other, they’d probably die of disease, or consequences of natural disasters, without any doctors or scientists around to save

So, a society that gives violent sociopaths, people with brute strength, and weapons enthusiasts free reign to do whatever they want.

Hockenberry was grabbing the interns by the butt and sending compulsive creepy gchat messages to every woman he came into contact with. Fuck him and his “courtship.”

I saw an article a few days ago where his brother said “he didn’t attack her! They were just having kinky sex!”

I’m guessing you are a dude, and have never felt like saying “no” isn’t an option when you’re with a very tempermental and unfortunately powerful person who can find all kinds of ways to make your life difficult.

I’m starting to think he’s an equally bad human being who’s just better behaved in public. They have the same regards towards women, reproductive rights, the middle/lower classes, the constitution, nepotism, the environment, corporations, you get the idea. I suppose they feel differently about foreign tyrants, but not

I’m a little surprised that he’s attributing sex appeal to fertility (as opposed to just assigning a higher moral character to mothers) since he is probably the kind of asshole who makes jokes about women with c section scars and “loose pussies” after childbirth.

Oh jeez. Im currently staying in Wellesley. It hasn’t improved much. When I was in high school, there was an incident where a black first grader (whose family also lived in Wellesley) was put on the wrong bus home on the first day of school. The dumbass teacher assumed he was an “inner-city” student, so he was put on

I’d like to put my rage about this case aside for a moment to congratulate you on your inspiring mastery of snark in this article. The rest of the gawker network should be taking notes!

Joe Biden/Anthony Weiner

I think “second world” technically means socialist or communist. It’s terminology from the cold-war era. Nowadays people say “third world” when they mean “poor,” but it really refers to countries that are neither democratic/capitalist or communist.

If hapa women are identifying as white, i suspect some of them are doing that in response to the way white guys aggressively fetishize and hit on Asian girls. Its pretty extreme. There are white dudes who respond to “i’m half-korean” in the same way they’d respond to “i dance at Scores on weekends.” I wouldn't want to

This is why I no longer shop at WF or Amazon. Besides, anything’ you can find on Amazon, you can find cheaper on eBay. (I’m sure that means I’m contributing to another shitty capitalist’s wealth, but àt to least it’s not Bezos.)

God i hate his fat face. all my club kid years, I never knew red eyes to be a side effect...

When you die, dont' be too surprised when nothing special happens.

Why did she have to go back outside to check the apt #? Did she not notice that the interior was different from her place?

You know, it makes sense now that I think of it. They are the only people who could possibly love the other. 

Ugh his FACE. I just want to punch it and punch it until it bleeds.