An Exercise In Bad Taste

If hapa women are identifying as white, i suspect some of them are doing that in response to the way white guys aggressively fetishize and hit on Asian girls. Its pretty extreme. There are white dudes who respond to “i’m half-korean” in the same way they’d respond to “i dance at Scores on weekends.” I wouldn't want to

This is why I no longer shop at WF or Amazon. Besides, anything’ you can find on Amazon, you can find cheaper on eBay. (I’m sure that means I’m contributing to another shitty capitalist’s wealth, but àt to least it’s not Bezos.)

God i hate his fat face. all my club kid years, I never knew red eyes to be a side effect...

When you die, dont' be too surprised when nothing special happens.

Why did she have to go back outside to check the apt #? Did she not notice that the interior was different from her place?

You know, it makes sense now that I think of it. They are the only people who could possibly love the other. 

Ugh his FACE. I just want to punch it and punch it until it bleeds.

this comment deserves all the stars in the universe.

I agree. It shouldn’t matter what we look like. I wish it wouldn’t come up in these discussions in the first place, but trolls always insert themselves into the discussion and try to invalidate women based on what they think we might look like, as if it's relevent. And you’re right about good looking (and young)

That is one ugly family.

If someone touched my hair without asking, I don’t think I would assault them, but I’d be pissed. However, if someone invaded my space in a way that might make me feel unsafe (e.g. Grabbing me around the waist, wrist, touching my butt) I might bust out some self-defense reflexively. Everyone has the right to protect

Of course I dont think that people who are heavy or not conventionally attractive are worthless. (And literally all kinds of people get assaulted because sexual assault isn’t really about lust or attraction.) I was just attempting to mock the troll. Trolls have a habit of calling women those particular things when we

Well, look at it this way. Were rural white people enslaved, lynched, treated like second class citizens, barred from using the same fountains and eating at the same restaurants as wealthier white people? Have they been refused jobs and housing on the basis of being a “dirty redneck?” Are they regularly murdered by

Uh, I lived in SF, and i don’t recall touching people’s hair/body being part of the culture.

thats right, ugly’ people. We’re all hairy fat lesbians with no sense of humor. It's not like assault survivors are ever conventionally attractive people who are tired of men bothering them whenever they leave the house.

I admittedly made the me mistake of getting off on the wrong floor and attempting to get into the apartment directly above mine. While i was struggling with the key, a little old man opened the door, and I immediately realized that I was on the wrong floor. I apologized, went to my actual apartment, and forgot all

Oh my god. Do you know what event that is from?

So....I admittedly made that mistake once. Got off the elevator on 4 instead of 3. While I was trying to get the key to work, a nice little old man opened the door, at which point I realized “whoops! Wrong apt!” Not “this old man is robbing me!”

That’s very true. Rape victims who become pregnant will be forced to endure a pregnancy, I guess unless they live close to either border. Hopefully organizations like the Jane collective will reconvene and find doctors or med students who can competently help them. (I'm wondering if med schools will continue to teach