An Exercise In Bad Taste

I was thinking john Kelly. Someone who thinks one of the USA’s biggest problems is that our military isnt fucking big enough, and that finance is “too regulated.”

Actually that was a pretty good insult. It made me laugh. And I am NOT easily amused.

Now I just want to rescue all those lab bunnies. :(

Looks like I’m not the only person affected by extremely weird auto correct on Kinja. (I assume it’s kinja and not my phone.) it literally changes every word I type into something completely unrelated sometimes.

Does it matter if we don't live in those states? I'll call anyway - I have a medical condition that makes pregnancy dangerous. I'm lucky in that I can just choose to date women or trans men, but most people don't have that option. Overturning roe v wade could result in my death.

If kavanaugh is confirmed, and you don’t want to be pregnant, boycott sex with men. They don't deserve to sleep with you anyway. Get a toy collection, or find a female partner. Or date trans men, who are much better-looking and won't knock you up.

the least the legal system can do is give the victims the opportunity to NOT get killed be their abuser, and killing them first seems like pretty much the only way to guarantee that.

The 2 or 3 times I’ve detoxed from it, I weaned down to .5 or .25 (from a 1-1.5g/day prescription.) I still went totally nuts with anxiety for 2-3 days.

My theory is that they assumed she was just detoxing from opiates and didn’t believe her when she said she was going to have seizures. (because we’re all liars who just want to get high - no chance we could possibly be well-informed about medication.)Opiate withdrawal makes people vomit, shiver, and thrash in a way

I believe that, especially since there are people who take it without a prescription who dont realize how severe the withdrawal can be.

“Giving him all that money, it’s never gonna happen. I’ll burn it in front of him.”

Tell them how you feel:

...these assholes let her slowly die of benzo withdrawal, after she warned them about exactly what would happen. I used to be dependent on prescription klonopin, and the idea of this happening always horrified me.

Yes, but that’s because I’m fairly confident that I will not run into the very busy street in front of our house, or get eaten by a hawk, fisher, or other predator. The cats have a pretty joyous existence indoors, but we still take them out (on a long leash) out in the yard and to the park sometimes. I'm sure they'd

Me too - my dad is an immigrant, and my maternal grandmother is. Never faced discrimination for that particular thing, since I’m pale AF, but technically that should make me “less American" than most people.

So, these parents were harassed and doxxed....after their six year old was killed.

Aww, that is cute! What species is he/she?

I dont understand how anyone could let their kitties outside without a leash. There are cars, bad people, and larger animals. I'd be terrified all the time.

Ugh, that’s why I didn’t go to the police when I was assaulted. All the perp would have had to say was “the emotionally unbalanced drug-using porn actress came onto me,” and boom - case closed.