I would guess that victims of severe DV are more likely to become pregnant while living with their abusers, because reproductive abuse is a common and effective way of controlling their partners, but there are probably many other factors.
I would guess that victims of severe DV are more likely to become pregnant while living with their abusers, because reproductive abuse is a common and effective way of controlling their partners, but there are probably many other factors.
Ugh, I’m sorry you and your dad went through that. Both my mom and I have been sexually harassed, so she knows the reality of how common abuse and assault are, but she’s also someone who frequently says “women can be horrible too, believe me.” I think that comes from her experience as a divorce lawyer. She has had…
I have heel spurs. They can be pretty fucking painful, like walking on sharp pebbles, but that pain can be avoided by comfortable and supportive footwear.
Why is it that I can't imagine her marriage to Eric as anything other than some kind of medieval forced-arrangement...
While we’re on the subject of racist idiots, is it possible that these people misjudge other kinds of atypical American names as “ghetto?” People frequently mispronounce my name as “ah-nee-kah,” so I'm a little suspicious about some resumes of mine that were never answered.
I guess that is somewhat amusing that even trump thinks devos is a fucking idiot.
Wow, you’re an idiot. First of all, people who are born female can also have gender dysphoria, and they become trans men. After someone is diagnosed with this, they go through hormone therapy and optional surgery. If this person is a male at birth with a female gender identity, you refer to them as a “trans woman” or…
Can you please stop referring to trans people as “man who dresses like a woman” and vice versa? It's extremely offensive.
Wow, so straight men are slightly more disgusting than I thought.
He’s like some kind of racist Smeagol.
Am I the only person who has always found him to be not funny and gross?
Not only was he stupidly proud of himself, but the woman recording this was laughing approvingly. I really wish humans weren't so high on the food chain sometimes.
...an adult woman did this? WTF. I feel like a comment about survival of the fittest is warranted here.
Who says women don't want our private thoughts invaded by an old racist??
Yeah, if someone told me that the way to end homophobia is to be sympathetic and friendly to all homophobes, I’d probably tell them to fuck off. It shouldn’t be up to the marginalized person to prove to those people that we’re not degenerates. And in any case, I don’t think it would make a difference considering all…
Pics please.
Aw fuck...i didn’t realize it has already reproduced. Dont know why I'm surprised.
At least in the Jackson graphic, the “5" was made to resemble an “F.” I’m usually pretty body-mod-positive, but facial tattoos (especially in the quantity that he has them) tend to show a pretty high level of impulsiveness