Well. Now we know what kind of porn Steven Miller is into.
Well. Now we know what kind of porn Steven Miller is into.
Am also a man hater, but I am friends with a couple of atypical males who understand their privilege. The ones who meet the “enlightened male” criteria tend to be men who have endured some other kind of discrimination (or abuse at the hands of other men), e.g. Survivors of abuse or sexual assault, men who are…
It’s totally more diverse now. There are lots of black families, plus a more recent influx info Vietnamese, latinx people, and depending on the neighborhood, LGBT families.
A.k.a. Trump’s real daughter.
Ugh. I grew up near Boston. Dorchester hasn’t been HIS neighborhood since my grandpa was a boy, yet he feels entitled to claim ownership of a place where HE is the minority. Fucking ass. I hope this video fucks up his life forever.
I was just thinking about that. my only conclusion is that he must be extremely self-hating, like Milo. The alt right might detest melanized people the most this time around, but they still hate everyone they’ve always hated.
But they let women drive now! Don't tell me that was some kind of meaningless empty gesture!
Lol, I remember that! I think that was jerry Falwell.
Yeah, I know someone who actually did that. A rather immature friend who actually did the shaving at my apartment and did some impressions to amuse me, then just left, push-broom stache intact, and did errands. (This was back in 2013.)
I blame the red pill morons for the fact that I can no longer decipher whether people are being satirical, or if they actually believe those things.
Yeah, I called because she was very agitated and screaming all kinds of unhinged nonsense. (She has borderline personality like I do, but she doesn’t medicate or see a therapist or even believe that she’s ill.) I don’t know what she said to the cops, but I have a history of mental illness, drug use, and…
My mother, who confirmed those facts to me, went to Suffolk Law, and has her own practice.
A lot of their “arguments” are so ridiculous that they’ve don’t even really match any of the logical fallacies. They're justness completely wrong statements on everybody level.
Just like you can't prove that my cat isn't a fucking piano prodigee who only plays my keyboard when I'm not home.
That sounds like a very unhealthy marriage that you don't deserve and should get away from. Sorry for the bluntness, but if someone doesn't respect your opinions or consider you mentally competent, they should not be in a relationship w anyone.
There’s a book called “how we know what isnt’ so” that talks about humans seeking patterns and often finding false patterns. I think it's time to re-read that book, in light of all this garbage.
I have a mental illness, and have had issues with paranoia. This goes waaay beyond anything i’d ever believe. It's idiocy.
That reminds me of the time I called the cops on my mom because she was making suicidal threats and acting erraticly, and I was the one who got taken to the fucking hospital.
People have the right to see their arrest warrant. If the arrest warrant is “at the station,” it’s not a lawful arrest. Those pigs know that. But they killed him over it anyway.
Shaddup honkey.