Vagina Pineapple

Do you think you could get him to lead a medieval cosplay war against his brother so he could hold the throne? Because I’d watch that movie, and the sequels where the grown royal babies reclaim their kingdom.

Negative. Nice to know for all the ladies flinging their panties at him!

Prince Harry could get me to do a lot of things.

So business regulations are more important that the right of people to marry, or get abortions.

Where was the revolution against Stalin? Against Mao? These people don’t get brought down in glorious revolutions, or if they do, you end up with the Ayatollahs or the Castros.

Imagine Trump with the power of the nation-state behind him. I hate people who think that revolutions just magically happen. They are the result of lots of planning and organizing, Lots of people get killed on all sides and it drains a society. The “cleansing fires” of revolution have led to some terrifying outcomes.

I’m voting for Clinton. I have no illusions about what this means. Clinton is basically just a run of the mill neoliberal. I am not counting on her doing anything that would be helpful for women, minorities or the poor. She may even try to cut programs. I’m sure that she will back off of the criticisms of the TTP and

Her platform is exactly the opposite on big business. She has no intention of handing over subsidies. And we will likely continue dealing with ISIS, but at least it won’t be WWIII. And we’re going to have to deal with ISIS regardless of our desires for peace.

You’ll be entirely wrong about SCOTUS holding up gay rights,

I love don’t let perfect be the enemy of good. Very great way to describe this, Vader.

My daughter’s 4th-grade teacher, all this past year, would repeatedly say to her class some variation of the following: “Girls are so competitive with each other — that’s why we can’t have a woman president.” “When boys get mad they get over it, but girls never forgive. That’s why we’ve never had a woman

My girls were asleep already, but yeah, that statement just cut me right in half. When I mentioned to my older daughter (6) earlier that this night would be the first time a woman could be the next President, she was like “huh. okay.” I realized that it never really even occurred to her that this would be something

That small band of Bernie supporters outside the convention protesting were all white (if you saw a POC there let me know) and about 90% male. These people will be safe from a Trump presidency and won’t see any reduction in their rights. They are whiny, self-indulgent children who are throwing a public temper tantrum

That’s what they said back in 2000. Bush will be so bad that people will turn to the Green Party and people like Nader and a revolution will be born. How did that work out for them? And now they want to go through that again with Trump maybe being worse than Bush?

That’s what the left in Britain said about Brexit... In reality all you get is a really fucking bad position for you and your family to be in.

Funny how almost all of the people spouting that particular brand of idiocy are white, straight men. I’m sure it’s just a weird coincidence, though.

My four year old daughter was watching that part, staring rapt at the tv as Hillary Clinton spoke those words. I just watched my little girl and cried, knowing that thanks to HRC, someday she too could be president of she chooses. I absolutely LOVE the fact that the only presidents my daughters have ever known are a

My child smiled throughout her comments about “IF you are a little girl watching this.” She is interested.

I'm a teacher, and although there are a lot of reasons I love my job, this year was the first year that I felt the weight of responsibility to make sure my girls and my boys know the magnitude of this election and that girls and women can now do what no one allowed them to do for centuries. I might be giving myself a

Think that teacher is still alive? Can you find him on FB and do a little “Nah, nah, ne, boo boo” action?

My grandmother was a big part of the reason I’m a liberal Democrat. A civil rights supporter and feminist, she lived to see our first black president, dying at 89 just a few months after he was inaugurated. The 19th amendment was ratified the year she was born. I wish she had lived to see a woman elected to the