Personally, I’m a firm believer in voting for whatever would make life the least shit for others (particularly if I feel nothing would change for me regardless of the outcome).
Personally, I’m a firm believer in voting for whatever would make life the least shit for others (particularly if I feel nothing would change for me regardless of the outcome).
Not an American so I’m probably completely wrong here, but from the outside it seems like a Clinton presidency would just be Obama 2.0 whereas a Trump presidency could be catastrophic.
Wtf this is so bizarre.
This is fucking hilarious
Injecting poop though...
Why? Why would he do that with poop??
Seconded. The people demand an answer!
I’ve been lucky enough to avoid this and I also haven’t had people touch my bump. I put it down to the EPIC BITCH VIBES I give off.
‘eco dentist’
When I was a kid and we got lice, my mum would slather our heads with cheap conditioner and then comb them out with a lice comb. You seriously have to do this every day for like a week because then you start removing them before the get the chance to lay eggs. Maybe worth a try?
A high school friend’s father was a biologist who didn’t believe in evolution.
Wtf?! How are any of you still alive over there??
I used to hear a lot of anti-immigrant stuff and nod along for a while before revealing that I was in fact a *gasp* immigrant.
Out of curiosity (non-American here) are there any widespread government programs to promote native languages?
Kind of related anecdata:
I read this aged 12 in 2000 and I was so fucking confused about menstrual belts.