Brb, gonna throw a brick through the window.
Brb, gonna throw a brick through the window.
“I’ve been asking her out for years and back then she told me she wouldn’t go out with me til she hit the 5 year mark. So I kept count and here we are! I made her keep her promise!”
At first glance, I thought that tweet was from Jamie Dornan and he was lamenting the release of this book.
I am always shocked to hear how little vacation time people get in the US.
My favourite was one that just said: ‘Sara + cake and pie 4eva’
that perpetually blissed-out yet sad and tragic face of Michelle.
I know you can't say because of AA but in my head I see Chad Lowe
Anna Paquin would have gone to school in New Zealand where MLK Day isn't celebrated
I really hope she makes a break for it but I’ve always got the impression she’s been REALLY beaten down.
Every single time some duck bag would try and scam free food (“I ordered 40mins ago and I still haven’t got my food”) when I worked at mcdonalds, they would ALWAYS try it with me and the only other female cashier - never the dudes.
This happens to me too! And with fresh strawberries. I also have a severe tree nut allergy.
“I saved my life that night.”
It gives me hope
Thank you! We're slowly getting used to the idea that we could be parents by Christmas
Oh my God! The guy who used to live below us would play loud thudding bassy music for 36 hours at a time and it travelled right up to us because there used to be a chimney between the two rooms.
So I found out I’m pregnant on Wednesday night. We weren’t trying so I’m a bit shellshocked and about 20% excited, 80% terrified.
This is an amazing idea.
There are many parents who think that their child’s fecal matter, vomit, and other bodily expulsions are precious, and they want the world to know it.