I think we’re more focused on his awfulness because he isn’t hiding out in France like he did all those years he was with Vanessa and also Amber Heard, as we’ve seen of late, doesn’t go quietly like other people would in her situation.
I think we’re more focused on his awfulness because he isn’t hiding out in France like he did all those years he was with Vanessa and also Amber Heard, as we’ve seen of late, doesn’t go quietly like other people would in her situation.
Media standards are different for sure. But I also think lots of young girls who were fans in the 90s pictured hotel trashing to be silly like 16 Candles, not the work of a violent drunk.
He’s always been volatile too, but as he’s aged it’s gotten much less “sexy bad boy” much more “dude. What the fuck are you doing? You have kids now, quit acting like the rebel seventeen year old you apparently see in the mirror.”
Also, he doesn’t spend most of his time in France, so the paparazzi catches it now.
Well, I guess it’s more bad boy sexy if you can live fast, die young and leave a good-looking corpse. Like James Dean. But regarding Johnny Depp, in the words of Dan Bern, “it’s too late to crash, too late to burn, too late to die young.” Now it’s just gross.
My current theory is that over 25 years of being told you’re wonderful, and a regular cocktail of drug and or alcohol abuse turns your brain to swiss cheese. Also, see Mel Gibson
I like to imagine this is a mid-life crisis grossness, because I feel bad for Vanessa and the kids.
I definitely agree society has changed for the better on this since the 90s. I remember all the stories about the rockstars of my youth destroying shit. I know a lot of musicians now and they’re like, hey man, you didn’t put out your recycling before you left the hotel room, that’s really disrespectful. The staff will…
Always gross, but we all know Johnny Depps from our late teens and early twenties. Aloof, mysterious guy with greasy hair, always up for an interesting time (at least superficially, whole lotta mess if you go into deep personal topics) who just doesn’t care about the mainstream bullshit. Maybe he majors in [select…
His 20s were full of stories of him trashing hotel rooms, attacking random people who mildly offended him, doing ridiculously dangerous things, and intentionally self-injuring. We noticed. We just labeled him as an exciting bad boy who seemingly calmed down when he took up with Vanessa Paradis.
He has always been gross, IMO. Also, your comment made me laugh aloud.
My guess is he's always been gross but people are more inclined to agree now his looks have faded.
Has Johnny Depp always been gross, but we just didn’t notice, or did he become gross recently? Gross.
People just go out of their way to discredit women who have been assaulted, abused, raped... Sure, all victims are in cahoots plotting in some musty basement! Plotting what exactly I don’t know though.
Thats because I don’t think anyone has seen Kim make a facial expression in half a decade.
Saint West is so stinking adorable. I love his little round face. It’s kinda perfect cartoon baby face.
Haha Tom’s figured out how to ascend to another mortal plane. He’s no longer even in that body.