Vagina Pineapple

I guess bc now that there’s lady Ghostbusters all copies of the original movie will be destroyed because obviously both can’t exist

I sometimes think if men knew the actual truth, they’d die of shame from silencing women all these years. It’s why they fight us so hard when we do attempt to tell our stories: they do NOT want to know that this happened to women they cared about—their moms, grandmothers, great-grandmothers (god knows worse things

It was fascinating to watch the Bill Cosby narrative shift seamlessly — and almost instantaneously — from “If he’s been doing this for so many years, there would be hundreds of victims, so he can’t possibly be guilty” to “All these accusers prove that women are just jumping on the bandwagon for a payday, so he can’t

If a guy calls a girl a slut guys have no problem believing him. But if 40 women accuse a guy of being a sexual predator people still don’t believe them.

Carrie and Big kinda deserved each other though. He freakin’ left her at the altar. But given his behaviors in the past, was anyone really surprised? Would she have been so enamored with Big if he had been a tire salesman instead of a very rich bigwig who rode around in a limo?

You just hit my sore spot with how Carrie could make anything about her. My favorite episode is My Motherboard Myself, where Miranda’s mother died.

Sex and the City was not only so grounded in trendiness, it created trends. Gilmore Girls really managed to stay above current events, and though Friends dabbled in them - and created a few trends (I had a “Rachel” in the mid-90's - they still stayed on the right side of that line.

What bugged me about it is that she couldn't get a mortgage and then she suddenly could? Even if she got about 50k for that ring for a down payment how does that suddenly translate into getting the mortgage? I also hate they portrayed her getting $4 a word freelance writing for Vogue. As IF!!

Fucking HIMYM. I haven’t watched a rerun since. I’ve YouTubed some fan re-cuts of the final episode, which effectively ends after “And, kids, that’s how I met your mother.” (Baaaah bah bah bah bahhh bah bah bah buhhhh.) Such an improved ending, just brings everything full circle.

One of the really out-of-touch things was their absolute horror at Miranda moving into this awesome brownstone in Brooklyn, which, at the time, was already really expensive/super “trendy” and NOT just some second-hand alternative to sainted Manhattan (they filmed those scenes in Fort Greene, for Christ’s sake). That

Watching it now, it feels like this weird time capsule from a completely different era, which is weird considering it’s not that old. It’s so pre-recession. Everyone is so terrible. All the women are such shitty friends to each other. Charlotte is a racist. Big is abusive. I can’t believe anyone ever watched it and

My thoughts exactly. When I was younger I saw too many friends waste years on “Mr. Bigs” who NEVER became accessible to them. I thought the whole ending creating a false impression for young women. The truth is, if you meet a Mr. Big, you just run in the opposite direction if you want to save yourself a lot of

For reasons unknown to me I also just rewatched the entire series PLUS the first and second movies. I have the same reaction that I did the first time around: the characters deeply, deeply annoy me. The “fashion” makes me ill. The friendships, the love interests, the financials the whole thing is so dang stoopid. But

I loved Aidan, but he was clearly way too good for Carrie! She treated him like crap most of the time and they had literally zero in common. That episode when they visit his adorable cabin in the country where she walks around with her fricken designer high heels in the mud and screeches like a banshee over a

As a teenager I loved it but by the time I hit my twenties I realized what a shitty friend Carrie was; always ditching her friends to meet up with Big or some other annoying guy. And she was so embarrassingly bad with money for someone in their 30's that it was actually offensive.

Police are reportedly looking for “three white men in military gear.”

I read this yesterday in the NY Times and it was absolutely heartbreaking and terrifying, especially as a parent.

It also sounds like a problem with our healthcare system that she couldn’t leave her job because she was the one with the benefits.

to purposely give himself infections so he wouldn’t have to leave to hospital. people can be all kinds of desperate.

I got my RN license in 1997 and my first job was a new grad training position in an inner-city ER. About three years into it, a man in his 30s came in talking but confused, complaining of muscle weakness. The only information he could tell us about his medical history was that “it’s a metabolic condition”. The triage