Me, reading this:
Me, reading this:
This is so great to read! There was a day a while back when I logged in and comments were off (I think before the sale, but maybe it was part of the transition?) - and it seemed well and truly the end. To have it turn around so quickly has been incredibly heartening. Fingers crossed it goes as planned!
“Don’t Change” by INXS
I watched The Offer when it came out. It’s ... okay? They spent a lot of money on it, and it looks great, but the script is mostly bland, paint-by-the-numbers - before they even start shooting we get, like, 3 different scenes of people talking about canollis (wink wink), and it’s full of moments like that.
Springtime music I dig, Matthew Sweet’s Girlfriend album; I also find Cake to be a fun springtime band. Liz Phair’s wcse is a great spring album, De La Soul’s 3 Feet High and Rising.
The rules have been changing a bit over the last ten years to keep up. I believe in the UK, if you watch just about anything that can be considered “TV” - including streaming, dvd/bluray, BBC iplayer on demand, etc. - and if you do so on any device (not just a TV, but laptop, tablet, etc.), then you have to pay the…
I quite like his interview style. I think the long buildups to seemingly random questions is part of what makes the show work. They’re meant to disarm the guests who are already being challenged by the spicy food - they’re mouths and foreheads are steaming, their noses are running, they might be hiccuping, and they’re …
Read the book ages ago, in high school, and absolutely loved it (although I’m sure there are parts that can’t have aged well). Felt like my first real ‘grown up’ book (after Tolkien and Mary Stewart’s Merlin Trilogy). I also loved the original miniseries (my mom, like all ‘80s moms, was a big Richard Chamberlain fan),…
Thus my defensiveness, lol!
KISS rocks!
How come 1/2 (or more) of the hard rock and metal guitarists of the ‘80s and ‘90s site Ace as their favourite guitar player, or the reason they even picked up a guitar? KISS have a LOT of bad songs (and some of them are raging dickheads), but their first 6 albums (plus the 2 live ones) are pretty kick-ass - far above…
Just because there are some women who made great second films:
I agree, and part of the tension or difficulty I have with TLOU2 is that I really really appreciate what it’s trying to do/say. In the moment of playing, once I worked through (or began to work through) the feelings I was having about what it was putting me, as a player, it felt really revelatory. But also, to achieve…
It’s funny to call people ‘brainless idiots’ when you (‘learned it all in school Grimsund’) seem not to be aware that there’s a long history and tradition of putting legal limitations on all kinds of speech in the US. For example, what if these deepfakes included pictures of Swift from early in her career? What if…
I found part 2 a remarkable game - harder and more uncomfortable than the first, but in a lot of ways better, and a much deeper and more complex reflection on humanity than the first.
It’s not slander when the movie’s shit.
Devestated to wake up to this news. When I try to explain to my students some aspects of what TV ‘used to be like’ (in terms of channels, scheduling, etc.), I often talk about how Homicide: Life on the Streets was on Friday nights at 10 - I was in my good-time mid-20s, but didn’t care - I was staying in and watching,…
But LA Woman is one of their best albums. I think Morrison’s problems were less about ego (not that it wasn’t a factor) and more about a combo of baby boomer trauma and way too many drugs - he was a fucked up dude who just didn’t show up as often as he should have. But all the albums have some serious grooves, and…