
As someone who has taught CPR from basic citizen classes to EMRs the notion that a person can swallow their tongue unless it is literally cut out/bitten off and swallowed like a foreign object is a myth that needs to die... It can fall back and block the airway, but that is why the first step when assessing breathing

From that article... “Husyev was unconscious and swallowed his tongue.” pisses me off so much... As someone who has taught CPR from basic citizen classes to EMRs the notion that a person can swallow their tongue unless it is literally cut out/bitten off and swallowed like a foreign object is a myth that needs to

At the same time, allowing two factions to destroy each other and then swooping in to wipe them both out is a long standing military tactic because of it’s effectiveness.

South of Dallas you see snow maybe once every 4-5 years. Many drivers have absolutely no experience driving in snow and many think “its just like driving in rain”... hence everything closes...

1. Chill, “I’ll repeat this till it gets through” and crap like that is in no way productive.

2. Check posts again, I never said that it was an issue of every company wanting to push it to the maximum limits and wanting the most power possible, if that was the case they’d all be on PC anyways and would only run on the

The assumption that I am making is that it is easier to make a game for systems that have a 10-15% performance variance compared to a 30-50%. If you are developing a new game to be cutting edge on the PS4 and XB1 and the Switch is unable to be on the same page it will require more resources to port it and at a reduced

Not to mention that there is a small margin of development difference between the PS4 and XB1 compared to the WiiU. If the Switch doesn’t approach the power of the other consoles, third party developers aren’t going to be rushing to develop for it unless they are given incentives for exclusives. When one of the main

shhhh... check your privilege and move on. All white people are racist, responsible for racism and are responsible for the actions of their race’s collective ancestors. If you deny this, you are the problem....

Frankly as someone who works in a firm focused on compliance consulting for Broker Dealers (BDs) and Investment Advisors (IAs) we are in serious need of regulatory reform. Since dropping the ball on Madoff the SEC and FINRA have taken a hang them high mentality with regards to firms and currently are ignoring their

Ah, haven’t seen those. If you have links I’d love to check them out.

Yes/No. The momentum was moved away from the actual executive order into a focus on #deleteuber... So yay, Uber took a hit to their business! lets pat ourselves on the back! Wait what were we protesting? Its like we have the protesting version of ADD... ... It had zero effect on the actual executive order and the

Alternatively, he was a member of a committee many of whom disagreed with the policies of Trump but could have been a differing view who is stepping down and may instead be replaced by a yesman who will just nod his head in agreement with Trump. A good example of what could have been would be Mattis, Trump was all for

All those things you listed at the start are great, problem is that should start way before we reach the point of where we are at. We’re essentially standing in the Titanic with the ship split in half and now people are interested in grabbing a bucket to bail. Little late at this point. People can’t sit on their asses

Just one more way Trump is pushing to accelerate climate change? That’s going to be a lot of trees over the next 4 years for signs...

The alternative is that they had a visitor they didn’t like and preceded to cause over $100,000 in damages to their home turf. I don’t get burning your own shit down, things you would have use of over days/months/years over a 3-4 hour inconvenience who will be gone the next day.

I’m missing the Nazi part here. I’ve watched the guy to see what his shit is about and while reprehensible on many levels, he seems to be pretty open about being homosexual and for smaller government both of which tend to go against Nazi “values”. Is it just easier to lump him in with the crowd? Seems like criticisms

The majority of the officers on school campuses are allowed to carry at most a tazer. That was a part of the arguments following Sandy Hook that many schools and districts allow no firearms on campus unless it is an active response to an incident at which point state and local law enforcement are allowed to carry.

John Carmack confessed to taking thousands of documents and lines of code from Zenimax before he departed. “I copied files that I shouldn’t have.I think stealing is an uncharitable way to look at it since I didn’t benefit and Zenimax didn’t lose, but I shouldn’t have done it, and I did,” Carmack said while being

“that a cop has been stabbed and relays a statement he says came from the hostage takers asking for better guard-inmate relations.”

I find stabbing people a great icebreaker to lead to better relations...

“most qualified appointee” You mean Mattis right?