
Yeah, read the rest of the statement he made... It really isn’t difficult to pull half a sentence out of a paragraph to change the thought being communicated drastically. 22 million people signing up for unemployment so far, the PPP being drained and businesses shuttering every day, people losing their income and

Standing in the middle of the freeway at night doesn’t mean you ‘deserve’ to be hit by a car... but I’m not going to act shocked when it happens. You knew it was dangerous to begin with.

lol, fuck em.

To summarize it as briefly as possible a 30+ year old and still developing universe with at least a hundred or more novels.... The Emperor of Mankind who is functionally a god and has been around for ~50k years, attempted to guide humanity to a better path from the shadows only for it to get fucked up again and again.


“Ok, we’ll get some beds and improve the conditions.


So, wait, are we against helping make the conditions better... or... what?

How do I know you are a real writer?

As a family physician, your take is utter bullshit.

You started losing me at thongs, then totally lost me with not resting your steaks.

Chill, child.

Former President Doesn’t Get It; Wet Behind The Ears Child Blogger Gets Everything

It’s like I said in another article: Nobody nowadays knows how to write a character unless they’re constantly in angst over something. 

“Upon reflection, the workplace created by these self-professed ‘three stooges’ was actually full of safety hazards, many of them life-threatening, to create an OSHA nightmare that would not fly in these modern times. Additionally, Larry would often witness Moe physically and emotionally abuse Curly, and never once

I will beat you to death with a porterhouse if you keep this shit up. Your hippy soy products taste like crap no matter what you soak it in.

What the fuck is vegetable based meat?

I think Gizmodo staffers are more end of the world doomsayers then the Christian sects out there.

Wait, are you saying climate change alarmists took some normal non-critical issue and blew it out of proportion to illustrate how terrible Global Warming is because there are no actual examples of it? According to Bill Nye the Undergraduate mechanical engineering guy you should be jailed.

Rational me: you’re over thinking it, that’s definitely not intentional.

So you’re fine with CORPORATIONS trying to MAKE MONEY?!?!?!
Get out of my Starbucks. I didn’t study art appreciation and feminine studies for 8 years to serve coffee to the likes of you.

It’s craven because the author can’t see past his own prejudices...