As a Texan let me ask you a couple questions.
Do you believe a town of 5,000, where a person can go about their day including work, without coming within 10 feet of another person outside of their household carries the same risk as New York where people are still riding packed subways?
Do you believe that 22 million…
And for the employees of Gamestop who work hourly and can’t pay their bills currently with the store shut down? Who gives a shit right? The CEOs aren’t the ones suffering with the current downturn, they just have to put off buying another mansion this year. The ones working the counter are trying to figure out if they…
Yeah, read the rest of the statement he made... It really isn’t difficult to pull half a sentence out of a paragraph to change the thought being communicated drastically. 22 million people signing up for unemployment so far, the PPP being drained and businesses shuttering every day, people losing their income and…
Hey, don’t be here like the damn voice of reason... What, do you think that Gamestop employees want something crazy like being able to earn a paycheck and make their bills... ... oh... wait... ...
Nah, Sexbox
1. A Peg board can be useful for excess cables though it wouldn’t be great for the extra controllers unless you were putting shelves on it, you generally don’t want to leave them hanging by the cable if you can avoid it.
That’s really not a fantastic argument. When streamers are using streaming to generate revenue in a similar vein as a performer, their attire is their costume and part of their brand/marketing. These individuals are smart enough to figure out when I wear “X” I get more traffic and therefore more revenue but when I…
Likely a combination of dehydration, insufficient fiber, and possibly insufficient fat as well; though in general yogurt is a good source of fat. I’d have to know more information on the vegetables and liquid intake to make an educated guess on one specifically so I’ll just break them all down.
The salad and…
Ok absolutely agree on Atkins. The big issue with that diet is there are no ideal targets based on any science outside of “Carbs Bad” while at the same time making no distinction between sugar, starches or dietary fiber while starting with a lower carb total than even the keto diet. Too much protein in a ketogenic…
Coming from someone who was considered morbidly obese with a BMI of 38.7 two years ago, you can relax. Believe it or not I’ve actually done my research and have had more than a few conversations with doctors and experts on the subject as I have a vested interest in not dying. Now, I will agree that it is easier to…
It is safer in the long run to lose the weight than to say its to risky to start. There’s a reason we constantly tell people to speak with their doctors before making any major changes in that regard, however I have never met or heard of a doctor who said to ignore the risks of obesity because the risks of losing…
“researchers have suggested that low-carb diets increase risks for cancer, stroke, and heart disease”
You know what has a much stronger link with cancer, stroke, and heart disease? Obesity. I guess we’ve reached the point that scientific fact is fat shaming though isn’t it.
Well yeah... the age old argument of if they are to my right, they must be a Nazi...
No need to hide, the laser’s full blast does 90% of the shield and that’s assuming you don’t have the shield durability component...
Just goes to show they will do anything to score
There was speculation that he’d be cut soon from Empire, since the “attack” there has been an outpouring of support for him and his visibility has raised significantly. It would read to a cynic that he was hoping his career would be buoyed to either stay on the show or land another gig due to the press of what he…
“The answer, according to the U.S. Copyright Office, is no, and they’re kinda being dicks about it.”
I don’t really understand how this is them being dicks about it. They are required to outline the reasons for or against a decision to a high degree of specificity. Why apply intentions with a description and reason?…
Repeat offenders are very high in sexual crimes and usually progress in severity, this is seen as especially true from individuals in positions of power, trust or authority. Bill Cosby was accused by 60 women, Harvey Weinstein was accused by 87 women, Bill Clinton was accused by 17 women, and Larry Nassar was accused…
I feel like in part it is a bit of insurance for the developers, especially for always online games. It seems to be the rule rather than the exception that any online game’s launch will be marred with network/server issues. Diablo III’s error 37 did more harm in getting people to play together and buy a game than a…