Thats the LDS church, not Fundamentalist. Both have their major issues but lets make sure our criticisms on denominations fit their theology, makes it more pointed. ;)
Thats the LDS church, not Fundamentalist. Both have their major issues but lets make sure our criticisms on denominations fit their theology, makes it more pointed. ;)
By “our money” are we talking about the 400+ billion in debt which California has accrued in the last few decades?
Which accounts for people seeking jobs, not for the massive decrease in workforce participation from people who have given up and are no longer looking.
It seems she was told and took it down, and now everyone online needs to tell her 10,000 times including with threats. At that point it is no longer “educational”... ...
That is true, my only point was on avoiding the Red Cross’s trademark, whether other companies have other colors is an entirely different issue.
They could do it in another color, they could extend either the sides or top, they could put a slant in it, round the angles, etc. There are ways to make the symbol recognizable while not infringing on the trademark but we have reached a point where rather than accepting you’re in the wrong you make a public spectacle…
It was their issue for not doing the research. Would it be justified if a gaming company needed a fast food place in game and just used McDonald’s logo for all of them?
The Red Cross is specifically a Red Greek Cross where each of the 5 squares are equal in size on a white background. That is not equal, has a black border, and is on a tan field.
Let me preface this with the fact that I am a volunteer with the American Red Cross (ARC) on the health and safety side and have been an Instructor Trainer for many of their courses for about 15 years now.
This is very common and enforcement of the symbol has been increasing over the last 10 years as the symbol has…
A whole lot of shit to pick up and lost time/productivity
If that was the case it would be a non issue as they are white. I’m not sure why they didn’t use their secret white privilege handshake to excuse themselves from the rules as they apply to everybody else. Also its good we can go into this with the assumption that if you live in a well off area everyone there must be…
Ultimately the in home business is not the larger concern, the multi-family violation is. A pretty standard iteration of the rule reads as: “Guest Versus Occupant: Tenant shall not allow any person not listed on the lease to stay at the Premises in a manner that a reasonable person would consider the person to be an…
With the attitude I wouldn’t be suprised if they tried telling them they were hot stuff. At that point its a simple job of looking them up on youtube and you have video evidence as there were earlier videos showing them talking about their plans... It may not be recording yourself committing a violent crime, but its…
I agree. My work usually sees me coming home at 3am, however there is nothing in my deed restrictions against working a job with odd ours. I would actually say the larger issue is that the majority of HOAs have a participation rate of 5-10% of the community, with that 5-10% being made up of busybodies, retirees and…
I agree. My work usually sees me coming home at 3am, however there is nothing in my deed restrictions against working a job with odd ours. I would actually say the larger issue is that the majority of HOAs have a participation rate of 5-10% of the community, with that 5-10% being made up of busybodies, retirees and…
As far as HOAs are concerned their value is that they usually are responsible for community safety (they can hire off duty constable and sheriff patrols for a heavier presence), common area improvements and maintenance (parks, ponds, trails, roads, greenery,community pools, etc.), and enforce deed restrictions to…
According to their own videos, a neighbor notified the HOA, the HOA threatened to fine them. The easiest way to look at this is that the HOA is the injured party in a contract dispute. The tenants would have been required to sign documentation that they would follow the HOAs guidlines. When they signed, they did so…
It is considered running a business out of your home if the majority of your taxable income comes from the activity which takes place in your home. (We’ll make the bold assumption we’re only talking about legal gains).
Honestly to me the business from the home is less of an issue than entering the contract in bad…
If you don’t like it, find a neighborhood without the restriction. I have seen a myriad of abuses in neighborhoods which had no such restriction but simply saying the purpose of it is discrimination is bull shit.
For example: HOA maintains a community pool. For residents it is $15 a person for an annual pass as their…
If you don’t like it, find a neighborhood without the restriction. I have seen a myriad of abuses in neighborhoods which had no such restriction but simply saying the purpose of it is discrimination is bull shit.
For example: HOA maintains a community pool. For residents it is $15 a person for an annual pass as their…