
Instead of that, I’d say become active in you POA/HOA and work to bring a myriad of voices to the issues. Most HOAs become tyranical because they have 5-10% of the community active, and usually because that 5-10% wants a sense of power. HOAs can serve a valid purpose when being used for the good of a community and not

From the article, he was reported by a neighbor to the HOA and the video does not contradict that. The HOA referred it to the county for action. As a non-government entity HOAs have no authority to force compliance beyond enforcement of the contract, so when it comes time to settle a dispute the county is the legal

Its not the state. HOAs are not government entities. They are essentially private companies paid to keep the neighborhood/subdivision/community in good shape. The biggest issue is that if there is an HOA (not all areas have them) with deed restrictions, you must sign a contract promising to adhere to the deed

Its not the state. HOAs are not government entities. They are essentially private companies paid to keep the neighborhood/subdivision/community in good shape. The biggest issue is that if there is an HOA (not all areas have them) with deed restrictions, you must sign a contract promising to adhere to the deed

Its not a grey area, you sign at purchase what amounts to a contract with HOAs to abide by deed restrictions. If this was their plan going into it when it violated the deed restrictions, they entered into the contact in bad faith...

Its not a grey area, you sign at purchase what amounts to a contract with HOAs to abide by deed restrictions. If this was their plan going into it when it violated the deed restrictions, they entered into the contact in bad faith especially on the multifamily dwelling caveat...

If I had to guess it would be based on the types of articles written on him.
This week alone we had an article speaking on him firing the top two people in charge of our nukes only to have it updated that they resigned and he simply hasn’t asked them to stay. - ie it was complete bullshit/fear mongering. We get this

calls people “The African-Americans”is this better or worse than “super-predators” which was in a quote by H.C.

*sarcasm* Those are from Russia so they can’t be trusted. Putin was just helping their puppet Drumpf out so anything they provide factual or otherwise shouldn’t be considered... *sarcasm*

Most universities don’t have staff on hand doing weekly background checks for all students looking for updates. Additionally most applications both for Universities and companies ask “have you ever been convicted of...” not “have you ever been charged with...”.

What I am more curious about is the fact that there has

Most universities don’t have staff on hand doing weekly background checks for all students looking for updates. Additionally most applications both for Universities and companies ask “have you ever been convicted of...” not “have you ever been charged with...”.

What I am more curious about is the fact that there has

The real victim here is the officer who had to drag her...

Pretty much. It keeps a candidate from looking at them as flyover states and actually having to court votes from all across the country. Makes sense considering that ~60%+ of the population lives on ~4.5% of the land.

~62% of the population lives on ~4% of the total landmass of the US. The system is designed so that you have to actually reach out to a broader range rather than simply focusing on the most dense population centers. Hillary ignored union friendly industry states during this election cycle while Trump reached out to

Besides the world magically becoming a utopia overnight what would your proposed solution look like? (not meaning it as an ass, but as in a realistic approach. most people say everyone just stop fighting which is hardly an enforceable course of action) It sounds as though they are trying to negotiate Russia down,

Its a combination of a demographic and numbers. For the last 15 years Ford has sold between 70k-130k new mustangs every years. The probability of a few hundred or even thousand of those going to people who shouldn’t be behind the wheel of any car is pretty high. It is attractive to people who need to show off because

Careful, don’t want to assume your assailant’s gender

In 2014 there were almost 7.5 million new cars sold in the United States. So ~200,000 of those were electric at 2.5% market share. Jumping to 260,000 when overall sales of cars rose to almost 8 million in 2015 is not a significant increase. It is a drop in the bucket and even less reliable when you consider that total

a 30% increase on 2.5% market share would still only be 3.35%... not exactly leaps and bounds...