
For someone to have “committed” something simply means they carried out an act. There is or should not be any direct stigma tied to the word. People deciding that it means something beyond it’s actual definition to use phrasings that step around the issue is absurd. Saying “died by suicide” makes it sound more like

No, the obvious solution is for them to come to a mutually beneficial consensus rather than to take the choice which benefits the majority at the expense of the minority. Point out where I suggested the wolf be made food. Your understanding that solutions have to be one extreme or the other and belief that it must end

I was simply saying they could, not would. The point was that people will vote in their best interest against the interest of others in a pure democracy. A pure democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what’s for dinner.

And if we were a pure democracy you’d have a valid point. The system is instead set up in such a way to give a larger voice to smaller groups. A pure democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what’s for dinner: The majority wins and the minority are slaughtered. Instead the system is set up so that it requires

Ok, I misread the intent of your message. Read the last part with more sarcasm than was likely intended.

Its to give a larger voice to rural communities so that Urban and population dense areas can’t control the country at the expense of those in rural areas. Trump lost the popular vote but if looking at the counties he won compared to clinton it was ~2600 Trump to ~480 Clinton. While he had fewer popular votes ~85% of

The problem is we are not a true democracy. If a presidential candidate vowed and had the ability to put a 500% tax on fossil fuels in exchange for free public transport, those in major cities would vote for them in mass. At the same time the farmers, shippers and anyone not living in an urban environment would suffer

There is no singular point which has caused the current issue, but you can’t campaign against oil, natural gas, coal, and other traditional fuel sources which are major sources of employment in the regions without giving an alternative. That said, NAFTA has made it more profitable to produce down south and import into

The problem is Trump got 306 of the electoral votes and Hillary got 232. That means he’d need to lose 38 of the EC’s votes in order for the nomination to swing to Hillary. Maybe, Democrats should operate under the assumption that the Democrats really did lose their influence in these states and try to boost it rather

So if she makes a few appearances pushing for voting reform and pockets the extra cash she clearly met her stretch goal, all it takes is by cashing in on people’s hopes for an unlikely overturn of the election. Yay vague BS promises from people who really don’t matter.

And this sentiment and argument is what lost Hillary the swing states. Trump marketed in the rust belt on jobs while Hillary’s argument was his supporters are in the basket of deplorables. Rather than trying to give them a platform to run to, she simply tried to give them a candidate to run from and it did not work.

Hillary clearly meant Basket of Deplorables endearingly...