
Yes, the quaint English countryside is absolutely bursting with groups of 6 people that are willing to spend $1,000 on a New Year’s Eve dinner, but don’t have any plans by December 28th.....Where my high rollers from Stodmarsh, Hoath, and Wickhambreaux at???

They absolutely “incurred direct expenses related to providing them with a meal” when they bought the (likely special NYE) ingredients and paid kitchen and waitstaff to be there to cook and serve it. I think the restaurant would have been smarter to eat the cost, but let’s not pretend this doesn’t cost them anything.

I heard if you put a record needle on ‘Ol Broskey’s nipple, it plays The Beach Boys Pet Sounds.

I’ll never forget the day my mom brought home my first box of Oops! All Berries.  I think I ate the whole box in one sitting with about a half gallon of milk and felt really gross after and probably shredded the roof of my mouth into ground beef.

Mine showed that Tyga was one of my top 5 artists of the year and I have never played a single song of his. I also had listened to four entire albums of some country band called Old Dominion, but I think those are skewed because I left my Spotify account logged in to a Sonos device in a popular Air B&B house on a

I absolutely agree there was a bit of a lull story-wise in the middle that ramped back up in the back third. Having to immediately return to Zeffo after much shorter Kashyyyk mission having just spent hours there the first time fighting my way through, getting lost, and then having to grind my way back through the

It’s a great article I would have never seen but for The Takeout - I can’t be on top of every new article in digital Jesuit Review publications, try as I might.

I would say paid lootboxes, pay-to-win games with armor/weapons locked behind paywalls, and microtransactions are all worse “gaming scams” but I didn’t wear any of the ponchos I unlocked in this game, either.

I am shocked that in my early 30's, I still have friends that scoff at paying for Spotify and instead use unpaid streaming services like Pandora. It is literally the cost of like one large fancy coffee at Starbucks a month (and I am on the family plan with my wife, even better).  I would cut off Netflix before Spotify.

I will have to try it.  I absolutely cannot stand most session IPAs.  Wolf Pup Session IPA from Golden Road, Founders All Day IPA and others that I can get around me have an offputting skunky flavor to them.  I would rather just drink a good lager/pilsner than have an IPA parading as low cal.

I’ve noticed a trend in my East Coast city that a lot of the really good breweries are starting to put out more and more really crisp and flavorful lagers, pilsners, kolsch, and other beer styles that are typically lower ABV and easier to drink than the big 8% DIPA yeast-bombs (that I love dearly).

It makes sense if the entire culture agrees on it, but if this guy’s single-man-crusade is just going around NYC not tipping waitstaff, servers, stylists, etc., then that is a far cry from some noble call to action.

I’ve bean wondering about this myself.

Marie Sharpe’s stuff is good, but for flavor/heat combo the absolute best is Melinda’s XXX Habanero. I am also very partial to Secret Aardvark’s habanero sauce.

Yah this is a bit of a “meh” from me because I really don’t care for NB beers, at least the ones available on the East Coast. Fat Tire and Citradelic are two of the most overrated beers that still get pushed by decent bars all the time.

It’s run to the Border, not drive to the Border.

Loath as I am to introduce memes into the comments, this one is just too spot-on to pass up:

I agree with Dick Cream (good to see you over here bud, spotting old DS commenters is like spotting a Mountain Gorilla in the wild)

We have a Wegman’s now and I like it OK, but I don’t like how much of their offerings are Wegman’s brand stuff.  I just want some damn Hunt’s ketchup, not Wegman’s Solid Gold Catsup or whatever.

“you can tell those noodles are super overcooked and soggy”