
Tae-Bo is on Youtube? Hurray! I’m still holding on to all my VHS tapes just in case I manage to find a VCR again for those.

Call me crazy, but losing essential security because you can’t be arsed to push a button seems a bit surgery-with-a-hand-grenade to solve a problem that doesn’t exist...

I’d probably cut down the amount of SC or perhaps add in a bit more liquid (broth or milk, but not melted butter or a standard fat or oil though, as this will probably just make an oil slick) or even more cheese and see if that improves anything. Keep it a bit on the loose side while you’re preparing it. Another

I feel like Allison Shoemaker is a strong contender and most likely to have done a bank robbery at some point. 

I’m imagining Steve Buschemi ordering a grilled cheese and dinosaur chicken nuggets.

Never forget the two shots. 

I’ve thought about using a scooter, but having ridden a motorcycle, I understand the need for helmets, so I’m leery of it because I don’t want to have an accident that ends up with me needing to wear a helmet for the rest of my life.

Hey everyone--we’ve got a badass over here!!

If someone wanted Pinto destroyed, they'd just have to bump into him at a low speed.

This is about what beer costs at most sports stadiums in America anyway.

Taco Bell’s menu items always seem like they’re named by former NFL playbook writers:

How is the bland ass Bean Burrito still not on the cravings menu. Maybe I can do a Three Cheese Nacho Grande Burrito without the nacho cheese?

Its weird, but those burritos always hit the spot when I’, heading to a brewery, but i cant eat all the saucy crap in the car.

What about Beer beer?

When I worked at a supermarket as a teen, the Jewish kids would cover for those of us who celebrated christian holidays and we Christians covered for them on their holidays.

I know people like to show off about how much they tip, but if you’re dropping $60 at an open bar at a wedding, you aren’t doing it right.

When I was a lad I mixed way too much Bosco chocolate with vanilla ice cream to create a rich, dark chocolate mush. Then I tossed in a handful of cocktail peanuts. That has been my only foray into salt and ice cream. Pretzels don’t work the same for me as salted peanuts.



I get headaches when I associate the name “Russo” with the implication of a swerve...