
Holy smokes! I remember my mom buying the Richard Simmons tape back around 04 and trying to convince me to do it with her. As a fat middle schooler who is now a fat 26 year old, perhaps I should have answered his flamboyant and ever so charming call. 

Any tips to making cheese melted with sodium citrate stay creamy for more than a couple of minutes? It’s a total lifechanger and I melt some cheddar all the time for a quick dip for chips, veggies, and stuff, but I still make my real deal fiesta queso with Velveeta because cheese + sodium citrate stiffens and creates

Great article. Better to start small than sink money into a passing interest. I will say though, if you’re getting a guitar as a first time player or if your kid wants a guitar, do get it set up correctly by a pro. Most of the lowest end instruments work as good as a $1000+ guitar, but if the initial setup sucks,

twas the night before Christmas, menudo in pot

No wonder my dad called her a drunk when I was too young to understand! 

Yo Dawg

Excellent post. I visited once with a friend while we were in Vegas and he became genuinely scared of the depth of gluttony that I partook in. There’s a picture of me he discreetly took while I was devouring some fried delicacy with a fancy little dish of lobster mac waiting and countless little agua fresca bottles

Dang! Sucks that the local KFC/Taco Bell completely removed the Taco Bell portion and that the closes Taco Bell is now almost 50 miles away. 

Every day you come into work, boot up your computer[...]”

Just make sure that Jeff Cioletti doesn’t find out if you end up using penne over ziti.

I am a large, large (read: fat) man. That’s a lot of pasta and sauce. Recipe sounds mega tasty, but you’d have leftovers for a whole week. 

Hell yeah regarding the small, heavy saucepan! My mom always uses foil and a saucepan and her tostones are better than restaurant made ones in Puerto Rico.

Parks and Rec is listed 9 times, wow. On a sidenote, it’s sort of scary on how under my affiliate info, it knows that I bought my brother’s old car less than 6 months ago and the top three stores I go to in my tiny town.

Dell has some available, but it’s not on every model and you have to request it specifically online. 

It gets deliciously stuffed into your piehole, end of story. 

Ice T never had a bite of the bagel during the scene. Fin merely happened to be carrying a slice of it on a small paper plate or napkin and offered it to Kelly Giddish’s character since she was having a bad day. I saw the Tweet before the episode and waited for him to bite the bagel, but he never did. 

Not sure if either of you have had pineapple with Tajín, but I wholeheartedly recommend it. It’s excellent with apples and cantaloupe, but my mindblowing, eyeopening experience with it came with the pineapple. So good! 

I never do this except for my favorite hotel in Phoenix. It’s a 3.5 star that goes on sale every once in a while. The few times I venture up that north, I literally look to see if that place has a deal going on. Their breakfast buffet is so massive and glorious that I can’t help but always fill one paper plate and eat

I’m barely on episode 6 so this did spoil a few things I would have wished to have not known, but this was well written and very true so far. The rent thing has bugged me forever since I know my $450 here (3 bed 2 bath house, old and creaky, but good on the Arizona-Mexico border) wouldn’t even get me a cardboard box

Damnit, Kevin! Cinnamon rolls are near the bottom of my preferred mainstream baked goods list, but even I want one now.