
Good to know it’s more specific to her than the historical genre! I don’t mind the SAT words- I attributed it to her more authentic voice (she was a prof and had a PhD in behavioural ecology which sounds awesome though I don’t know what it is). It endeared me to the writing even more - like it’s more authentic to

Yes! Joe Abernathy. I even forgot his name... He just seemed like a good friend to Claire and quasi-uncle to Brianna ex machina. At some point it’s implied he and Claire bonded over their experiences being outsiders (respectively Black and female) in the medical profession, but we’re told this rather than shown this,

Yeah - the books especially struck me as racist :/ I mean, I can contextualize the sexism because history and because it privileges a critical modern woman’s take and negotiation with it. The treatment of indigenous, Black, and the one token Chinese character ranges from superficial to super-offensive (I remember

I finally got to the end of the last (published) book. Anyone else went to the books from the series? There’s something really refreshing about the author’s style, though I can’t lay my finger on it entirely. It’s like it’s raw but tart and unapologetic.

Barron definitely gets a free pass because he’s a child. But I don’t really have sympathy for Tiffany who was raised by another financially independent person altogether. There are degrees of awful in that family - Ivanka looks better than her father, Tiffany looks better than Ivanka and Melania, but none of them

Ann Coulter should really try it.

Poor Tiffany. Even when she appears, all pastel-ed up for Easter, it’s like she’s not even there.

I can only laugh whenever any sanctimonious conservative Catholic is outraged. Not only do they pick laughable things to be outraged at, there’s no moral high ground. It’s all valley.


I googled “devil doing yoga” and was not disappointed:

For sure... I just think that it should be clear that the rejection is for reasons that are not fully stated - if the claim is that the tradition is incompatible because it does not scream “Jesus Christ Superstar” then that ship has sailed for them 500, 1000, 2000 years ago.

Sounds way nicer than my experience of Catholicism. Though I got to see versions more like yours as I got older, I’m still pretty soured on the whole experience and I can’t put the problems I’ve seen back in the bottle, even with the much more humanist versions of it. And yet my best friend of all time is still

She has a point - philosophy does mess with your mind if you want to keep it at factory settings. In large part due to philosophy, I went from being Catholic to agnostic.

These are two things that happen. Maybe you have little experience with Catholicism (or experience only with more liberal communities within the church) if this story sounds fishy to you. The Vatican issued two official documents which contained condemnations of yoga in 1989 and 2003.

As a former Catholic, I was surprised that they could steal all kinds of things from pagan traditions, but yoga = BAD.

Try crying all through the trailer. I can’t even blame hormones this time, I’m nowhere near PMS.

I feel like it has a couple interesting camera angles (like the dressing room photo) but ugly in real life and when it moves... Like you could see where the design was going but execution did not make it.

I thought this was a Reductress article.

Ugh. My favourite creature in the world being gracious to my least favourite thing in the world.

The thing is, the best revolution doesn’t have to look like a revolution. People who were too catty that Hillary’s progress didn’t look as exciting as Bernie Sanders’ actually set us way back. We don’t need more protesters, we need more people who are changing government, schools, policies, workplaces, families...