
More playing the victim from the woman who told a teenager who was clearly being groomed and abused by an adult to kill themselves.

It’s so weird, because I’m a man and I was a really difficult birth (emergency C-section touch-and-go for a moment there) and my mom was always very open about how fucking shitty giving birth was. Not in a shameful way, or a resentful way, more just in a “you’ll never know” kinda way. She did like to remind me that

Look, people, as an attorney I’m normally sympathetic to arguments about not jumping to conclusions. And it’s true we don’t know what happened here.

This is the strangest comment section I’ve seen on this website. I’ve honestly never seen as many people jump to the defense of someone acting so incredibly guilty....I have no literal clue what is going on or why people are defending him.

I agree that he’s smart to only discuss the details with his lawyer, and I also 100% believe he killed her (or at least knows where she is.) Even taking self-incrimination into account, if there was *any* chance they parted ways under non-suspicious circumstances and she then went missing, a loving fiance would be

Faux-feminism. “support women even when they are gross and shitty and never hold them accountable.”

Totally agree, this is exactly how I feel too. I don’t understand all of these chrissy apologists at all.


I think folks are definitely enjoying piling on her, BUT it really doesn’t feel like she’s truly reflected on what she did and given a sincere apology. More like “ok, fine, I’m sorry! Is that good enough for everyone, can I resume my privileged life already, gawd!!!”

“All I can do is live my life and take care of my kids and family. Everyone else can make their choice.”

I’ve followed Niecy on IG for a long time, and now follow Jessica as of last summer. Their IG feed brings me so much joy! I love their love. Highly recommend. (Tip: Niecy’s daughter is a comedienne and also a fun one to follow.) 

I teared up reading this. When you’ve found your person, it can throw your emotions, sanity and world in general into chaos for a number of reasons. Love is just hard and weird like that. And romance for us queer folks has an added layer of complexity. I am so glad they’ve found the courage to both come together and

This is so sweet! And I appreciate how she emphasized that this doesn’t cancel out people she has loved in the past--if anything, those relationships helped her understand how much she loves her partner now.

This is not the first—or certainly the last—time management at a heralded publication has tampered with journalistic integrity for profit, or shown a clear misunderstanding of basic editorial principles.

I not sure how I feel about the Freedom Dividend but there is argument that this particularly good policy for women.

The Jesus movie I would like to see: The Harrowing of Hell, but done as a heist or prison break movie.

Blasphemy is a victimless crime.

It would be a lot less infuriating if people like Johannson and Degeneres didn’t try to twist their continued friendships with people who have done shitty things as some sort of brave or morally courageous stance. The simple fact of the matter is you like someone personally for whatever reason, and don’t want to

It sounds like the original term might have been more precise if it were “emotional capitalism,” because that makes it clear that it refers to the emotional labor that is performed for money. The terminology wasn’t right from the beginning and it makes a lot more sense in its broad application now. The idea that you

“But it is a heavy burden. So heavy that none could lay it on another. I do not lay it on you. But if you take it freely, I will say that your choice is right; and though all the mighty elf-friends of old, Hador, and Húrin, and Túrin, and Beren himself were assembled together your seat should be among them.”